Met Eric for coffee and conversation this morning, both were excellent. The rain/mist we’ve had all morning seems to have drawn people to the coffee shop. Baristas were busy and the din was up from normal. Good thing for the owners but does reduce the ability to hear. It’s also one of those days to take the time and notice the beauty in small things all around us. Hope you have a great day!
Offer of Peace
white down feather
clings to the branch
an offer of peaceWhile sitting outside a couple days ago to journal, I notice this down goose feather clinging to a branch. Three days later it still clings tightly to the branch even as the wind blew. I wondered why it seemed to still be attached and what the feather could symbolize. As I watched it flutter in the wind I felt there was something I could write about this scene in a post. So, I took this image. Then later after a quick search I found that finding a feather can symbolize angels are watching over you or finding a white feather can be a symbol of peace. So, I pray today for white feathers of peace to descend over all of the world. The world needs it!
Love my crockpot
I found feathers strewn all over the back side of the bus stop this morning. Looks like a goose fight or a hawk may have found a feast. I was taken by the small frost crystals on the feather and knelt down to take this image. We will be seeing fewer mornings with frost over the next month or so. We reached 68 degrees today so it was a beautiful Colorado day.
Give you an update on my simple surgery. To fix the ventral hernia they increased the length of the scar from my heart surgery. Hurts me to laugh and cough. Have not sneezed yet nor wanting to. I did not sleep well both Tuesday and Wednesday nights due to pain and discomfort. Slept much better last night and today was much better. Before I left for the bus this morning I put on a crockpot of sausage and vegetable soup, which I enjoyed this evening. Love my crockpot!
I have been absent from the internet for over a week as I finish working on some health issues. I’ve struggled with BPH for 20 years and things are now coming to a head. Spent an evening in ER last weekend and am now walking around with a catheter until RALSP surgery which I will have in two weeks from today. Hopefully this will improve the quality of my life.
Life is always changing and I think these two images present nature creating new art each second. It never ends!
Getting Older
Frost Covered Feather Well, my Medicare card arrived in the mail along with a very confusing booklet to read. Man, do my parents feel old now!
A couple of weeks ago I stepped on a crowded bus headed for the transit center on the campus of CSU so I could spend time at Morgan Library. Standing room only so I grabbed the overhead rail to hang on for the ride. A nice young man stood up and said, “Sir, would you like to sit down?” Without knowing or intending to, he made a d deep cut as I immediately felt old. I declined his offer. As I looked at these college students I realized I am 40 years older than almost everyone on the bus except the driver. And I’m still 20 years older than they were. The reality is that to them I am old and at their age I felt the same. When I look in the mirror I don’t see that. Perspective. And, that’s a good thing.
I’ve had a few days to reflect on my reaction and how I might react differently if faced with that again. If the passenger next to him is a hot 20 year old college girl, heck yes I’m going to take the offer.
When you think about it there are more perks for getting older besides senior bus passes or food discounts at IHOP.