• Plants

    Out of the Office


    I will be out of the office for a couple of days due to recurrent training. It will be intense and busy so I’m not taking my laptop and camera with me. Not sure how I’m going to make it and what sort of condition I will be in when I come back. I took this while on a walk around the apartment complex I live in. Spring!

  • Avian

    One shot


    While visiting Blendon Woods Park I walked to the observatory buildings near Thoreau Lake to see what waterfowl were on the lake. I noticed movement just below a bird feeder located off to the side of observatory. I waited a while before this raptor made a quick and short appearance. I’m not sure but I think he was searching for the squirrels that feed along the base of the bird feeder. I got off one shot and here it is.

  • coffee shops

    Coffee in Hand

    Coffee in Hand

    Some people start their day with a cup of coffee (or two.) Some need it just to get started, and some make it a morning ritual, and then some do both. I drink the unleaded stuff so a caffeine fix is not needed, leaving me with the ritual. I very seldom drink brewed coffee but prefer the latte/cappuccino style espresso drinks. This tradition had been a part of my life for several years after my youngest daughter introduced them to me. I enjoy making then at home or going out to a local coffee shop. These local shops have a small community of followers and I happen to be part of it. Most of them are accustomed to my antics of grabbing my camera so I can take a photo of their cup or their hands or muffin or their book or their …….

  • Photography

    More Than Before

    Rusty Bolt

    So what story can this rusty bolt tell us? It is part of a hinge for the gate to a pasture but why is it on top of the post? Who put it there? It seems out of place. Once the mind games have settled down I realize it’s real purpose is there for me to photograph it. I wanted to present it as I saw it, with my vision. It’s another one of those things in life we sometimes overlook. When we look closely we just see more than before. 🙂

  • Art/Design

    Red and White Stripes

    Red and White Stripes

    I’ve been shooting more lately, random stuff, lots of patterns, shapes and colors. Landscapes seem so distant in my past as I walk the paths of parks and pound the pavement of our streets. And of course, always looking for light. This image has a bit of each of them. There is pattern, colors, and backlit light for this flag.

  • Metro Parks

    Young Lovers

    Young Lovers

    A walk in Inniswood  Gardens found this older couple enjoying the Spring day. Notice how their stride is in sync and I love the holding of the hands. The grass is really starting to green up. Buds are popping out. Flowers are opening up. What a wonderful time of the year.