• Art/Design

    Here and Now

    Chain and Lock

    Sabrina Henry has a good read about our journeys here. I made a comment about a t-shirt I have that says, “The destiny is the journey”, which I understand and believe. In reading a book by Steve Hagen on Buddhism he talks about the Buddhist journey as one that must go nowhere – neither in or out. He states it is a journey into nearness. A journey to be awaken to the here and now, to awaken “to” the here and now, which I also understand and believe.

    After taking a walk this afternoon I saw for the first time this chain and lock. It’s always been there as long as I can remember. I’ve had to walk around it every time I headed to the overpass. But, today I really saw it. And, as soon as I saw it I knew how I wanted to shoot it. I took two shots, knowing I had the image I wanted. This image will not change the world or make it into any magazine but it demonstrated to me I’m on my journey, at my destination, awakening to the here and now.

  • lifestyles

    A little bit ripe

    Over ripe

    I’ve gotten into the habit of eating a banana while driving my car to the airport when I have an early show in the morning. Well, I must have had my mind somewhere else last week because after the van ride to the terminal from the employee parking lot, I realized I’d left the banana sitting on the passenger seat of my car. I figured it would be mush and my car would smell rank when I returned but I was in for a pleasant surprise. The car had no odor and the banana was still firm but was a solid black. And, no I did not eat it.

    We’ll be in Portland this evening so hope the weather allows us to venture into the port area looking for seafood. Clam chowder or lobster or crab are far more appealing than either of these bananas.

  • Plants,  reptiles

    Tall Grass

    Tall Grass

    I like to venture around my hotels during overnights for the exercise, just to get out and to see what I can find. The hotel in Burlington, VT has a marshy area with path circling a pond. On this particular cloudy morning walk birds were singing happy songs to the world, a snake raised its head to keep alert to every move I made. I loved the tall grass that surrounded me on the path. The grass was well above my head and offered another one natures true works of art.

  • Cityscapes/Urban

    Boat Docks

    Boat Docks

    Seems like I’m traveling a lot, never home, always looking in my roller board for clean underwear. Such is the life of flight attendant. Actually, I’ve gotten to the point where I can look at my bag and know what’s missing. Some call it a system and some consider it repetition.

    One of my favorite overnights is in Burlington, VT. If I’m lucky enough to get the longer overnight, we get in around 11:00 in the morning which gives us time to check in our rooms, change clothes (the clean underwear), relax a bit then head for Church Street. About five blocks west of Church Street is Waterfront Park. All five blocks are down hill, so coming back up requires some huffing and puffing. Along this grassy park you will find people sitting on benches or rock walls looking out over Lake Champlain. It’s not unusual to see inline skaters, or jugglers or a Frisbee or two flying through the air. Most of the times I’ve been down there I’ve found boats tied up to the docks. But in this image there were no boats, presenting a different scene for me to photograph. Yep, I like Burlington, VT.

  • Family

    Happy Anniversary

    Family Photo - 1975?

    Today is my parents 61st Wedding Anniversary. I feel I’ve been blessed with loving parents, but struggled with that idea in my early years. And at this time in life they are healthy and enjoying their retirement years. Happy Anniversary, mom and dad!

    This is a family photo that I’m guessing was taken in the mid-70’s. From left to right: Sheree, Dad, Mom, Me, Marcee. My sister Marcee scanned this photo so we now have more than one archive of it. My parents are presently visiting Sheree in Colorado, catching up with some old friends and, last I heard, eating some homemade ice cream. I’ve included a couple more images if you’re interested in seeing them.