• architecture,  window

    Bedroom Window

    Bedroom Light
    Bedroom Light

    This is a second morning of overcast skies and cooler temperatures. Now at the Bean Cycle for a latte and to use their internet. Talk is about the weather as people get excited about the approaching fall weather. The other night I had to get up to stretch my legs and walk around. When I saw this bedroom window light I had to go back in and grab my camera. There this something about the feel I liked. Have a super Awesome day!

    “The animal merely makes a bed, which he warms with his body in a sheltered place; but man, having discovered fire, boxes up some air in a spacious apartment, and warms that, instead of robbing himself, makes that his bed, in which he can move about divested of more cumbrous clothing, maintain a kind of summer in the midst of winter, and by means of windows even admit the light and with a lamp lengthen out the day.”  Henry David Thoreau

  • landscape,  sunrises

    Morning Haze

    Sunrise at Colorado State University
    Sunrise at Colorado State University

    We have felt the impact from the forest fires over the past couple of weeks. At the present time we have 11 active forest fires in Colorado, 3 in Utah, 9 in Arizona, 15 in California, 33 in Idaho and Montana, and others burning in Oregon and Washington. So, the smoke has been ever present making our sky hazy and sunrises and sunsets take on a different and eerie look and feel. We are unable to see our beautiful mountains. Sunday was a windy day with gusts up to 30 mph but by Monday morning the haze was back. It is sad because of the destruction to our landscape and peoples homes and unfortunately some lost lives.

  • rants,  rants,  writing/reading

    Things I Think I Need

    The County Road
    The view on a County Road 90

    The Things I Think I Need otherwise known as TITIN. I think I caught it. It explains much of my thinking over the past few decades. I’m pretty sure there are no med’s for it, although I suppose I could ask my family doctor. He may get a kick out of it or have the same affliction, disease, broken thinking, or whatever ya call it.

    My TITIN thinking is trying to justify purchasing a new laptop or an iPad Pro or a Surface Go to replace an old Chromebook and a nine year old Macbook. I use both of these tools for writing on my blog, reading your blogs, checking emails, editing my images and, of course internet shopping for the next thing I think I need.

    According to marketing both tools are outdated, which means there are hands wanting to take more money from my wallet for their latest and greatest. They don’t seem to understand there is no money in the wallet. I’m retired! Every once in awhile the Sugar Mama solution enters my mind but the side effects may be worse than the solution.

    In all honesty the Macbook is outdated due the constant updating of software. However, my simple needs are met with both the tools I have. I wonder if TITIN is related to GAS Cramps.

  • Black and White,  flowers,  Plants

    Thinking Out Loud

    A World of Black and White
    A World of Black and White

    Perfectionism implies there’s a need to compare and judge, placing myself above or below, better or less than others or some standard that I set or society sets. It spawns worry, more judging, creates false ideas and beliefs. But, it is the need for my imperfections, and those of others, to learn and grow from. Just thinking out loud.