“The ancient art of alchemy shows a way: Pay attention to your deep and complex interior life, become more sensitive about your relationships, consider your past thoughtfully, and use your imagination at its full power. Work from the ground up toward finding the work that will make your life worthwhile.”―
I’m sitting in a local coffee shop. The sun has just risen. It is cold but we have clear skies and sunshine. Sort of what you’d expect at this time of the year. We are transitioning from fall to winter. Earlier, on my way over here, the northeastern sky was alive with pink clouds, indicating the chance of snow this evening and into tomorrow. I’ve just described the exterior world around me but what about my interior life that Thomas Moore speaks about in his quote? At this moment there is a peace and serenity, primarily due to my investment in a spiritual practice. I sit in quiet each morning to let go of the chatter in my mind. I’ve learned to take in deep breaths. Throughout the day I pause to check in on my state of awareness and presence. It is just one way I pay attention to the deep and complex interior life. May you enjoy this day!