“It’s not possible to save the world by trying to save it. You need to find what is genuinely yours to offer the world before you can make it a better place. Discovering your unique gift to bring to your community is your greatest opportunity and challenge. The offering of that gift — your true self — is the most you can do to love and serve the world. And it is all the world needs.”
Thomas Berry
Golden Light
there’s a calm over the meadow
feeling the warm rays of golden light
illuminating the mountain brome
nature creating abundant beauty
and with gratitude rising within me
start this new day on the bright sideA late arrival to Pineridge Natural Area but just in time to catch the sun cresting the horizon. Followed quickly by a warm golden glow illuminating everything. I sat on the bench to journal but when nature provided this glow on the mountain brome, I had to pull out my camera. Have a great day!
Everything is a Gift
Everything is a gift. The degree to which we are awake to this truth is a measure of our gratefulness, and gratefulness is a measure of our aliveness.
Brother David Steindl-Rast -
This blog allows me to express my thoughts, feelings, experiences, and what I see through my words and photographs. I enjoy sharing them. I also enjoy those who visit and leave comments. Those comments are important for me as they let me know you stopped by, what you think, and your experiences. So, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, or not.
Almost Perfect
“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
Winnie-the-PoohWe all have certain subjects we gravitate towards. I find my archives to have primarily images of wide open horizons with clouds, trees, fields of grass, open meadows, sunshine and the shadows it spreads around. This was taken last week on an afternoon drive outside the city. This morning I sit on my porch typing this post. Clear skies, sunshine and around 50 degrees. The birds are singing their songs of joy. Almost perfect.
Or maybe they are singing because it’s Ruth’s birthday. Happy Birthday Ruth!
Pink and Gold
The most beautiful things in life are not things.
They’re people and places and memories and pictures.
They’re feelings and moments and smiles and laughter.I read yesterday something that resonated with me, “… nature heals. big time.” I know I go to nature for healing of many things. There is a solitude and silence there not found in the city. But the quote also caused me to reflect on things I do to help me move through any troubling state I can find myself in. When I feel anxious it’s time to walk or hike. When I’m angry or resentful I can let go of those thoughts by “taking a photograph.” When I get caught up in mental chatter I find relief through “meditation and quiet.” When confusion and the need for discernment ties me in knots then I can untangle myself through “journaling.” All of these simple things I can do at any place but nature is such a pull for me. Loved the gold and pink I found last night in these two images.
Go figure…
I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.
Joseph CampbellI probably drive 4 miles 4-5 mornings a week to be closer to nature, or at least distant from the noise of the city, and greet the morning sun. I usually take some photo as part of this morning routine. But one morning this past week I didn’t. However, when I got back to my condo I saw the sun peaking through the branches of this maple tree. I shot 5 images of the sun coming through the branches and 6 of the group of leaves that have already fallen. Interesting that the images as part of my morning routine were within 50 feet of my front door. Go figure.