• clouds,  haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Silence of sunrise

    predawn colors
    painted on eastern horizon
    silence of sunrise


    We had some beautiful skies this morning during predawns performance. I just happened to be there and have my camera with me. We will enjoy the day before we have 5 days of cold temperatures with rain and snow. A pattern of nature before entering into full spring. Have a wonderful day!

  • architecture,  Documentary/Street,  quotes

    Peace is an inside job

    “World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.”

    Dalai Lama XIV

    We’re expecting another spring like day, temperatures into the 60s. So nice that I don’t need to scrape frost off the windshield.

    World turmoil is still the news of the day. Lots of prayers being said for the people of Ukraine and our world leaders. I didn’t watch State of the Union address last night but did read most of it this morning. I’m beginning to believe stronger than ever that to have peace and love in our world, to stop our negative impact on nature, to eliminate all the lies, there needs to be a manifestation of human compassion. I’ll go with the Dalai Lama’s option because it resonates with me. Have a super Awesome day!

  • Art/Design,  coffee life,  coffee shops,  Humor

    A Fart Sale

    I met a friend for coffee this morning and could not pass up this sign as I walked in. So I wonder are they selling loud ones, silent ones, squeaky ones and of course the smelly ones? Maybe all the above. Kinda makes you wonder what yours are worth. Great way to advertise for a Fine Art sale. Have a super day!