When I wait and look and listen I make different photographs than when I scurry around looking and searching with a proactive approach.
Brooks Jensen
The same is true in living life! Have a wonderful Tuesday! 😊
My online journal sharing interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
When I wait and look and listen I make different photographs than when I scurry around looking and searching with a proactive approach.
Brooks Jensen
The same is true in living life! Have a wonderful Tuesday! 😊
At the end of the day, give up your worries and give thanks for the journey.
Ben Vereen
It is another beautiful day here in Colorado. Just finished a busy morning with cardiac rehab and an echocardiogram. Good news is the new aortic valve is working just fine. Hope everyone is thankful they remembered where they hid all the eggs!
Wanted to share this morning’s sunrise in a cloudless sky above Dixon Reservoir with you. Meadowlarks joined with chickadees, robins and magpies in singing of this morning’s beauty. Geese and ducks made small waves across the waters surface and joining in the chorus with a quack and a honk every once in a while. There were a few more people joining me with their coffee mug in one hand and their smartphone in the other to witness the sunrise. It’s in these moments I believe in a God, a Great Spirit, a Creator, whatever name you choose to give it, who is love, compassion, creativity, inspiration, and in my books, the true artist in every sense. Hope you have a great day! Happy Easter to those who celebrate this season!
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
Isaac Asimov
There are many who are wise and do not have degrees or a data bank full of information. My experience has taught me that the only source for wisdom is not to be found in a book, wikipedia, social media, the college campus, Dr. Google or listening to my ego. It’s rather easy to gain information, or misinformation, but gaining wisdom primarily requires the lessons learned from life experiences, plus knowledge. The failures, mistakes, pain, suffering, self-examination and a dose of humiliation have been my greatest teachers. I’ve heard it said the wise know they don’t know the answers. They do not tell us what they know, they will only share their experiences of life with us. Then for us to be wise we will need to listen to those who are wise and learn from them. Sure rings true for me. I’ve come to see how those who have a practice of prayer and meditation, spending time in solitude, silence, and nature, have learned to listen to the voice of their innermost self. Makes me wonder if that is the source of our deepest wisdom? Have a wonderful weekend!
I have no right to call myself one who knows. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I’m beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me.
Hermann Hesse
I’ve had difficulty over the past few months of staying within the pages of books. I found myself losing interest after a few pages and noticing the need to reread paragraphs. I enjoy reading books for the knowledge gained from them and their ability to transform me with some planted seed. I realized that there has been a lot going on in my life that is distracting which has brought on lifestyle changes. However, I believe that the books we read are not the only tool for transformation because there is a teacher within all of us when we look for it. So, maybe I no longer need to seek in the stars or in books but turn inward to hear the teachings.
Met with the hematologist today and cancer is ruled out from the bone marrow biopsy. We just need to work on increasing my iron to bring up those platelet numbers. Hoping you enjoyed your day!
“If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.”
Although it never got over 40 degrees today, we enjoyed blue skies and sunshine. Sure was a change from yesterday’s cold and snow. This reflection is from Dixon Reservoir about 4:00 pm this afternoon. And, it was taken with that old Fujifilm X-T10 and the old 27mm f2.8 lens.
I agree with Confucius that mistakes are a necessary part of life, they have lessons to teach us. My life experiences show that when I don’t learn the lessons, we can expect I will make the same mistakes, again and again. Thankfully that has changed quite a bit as I’ve grown older more mature. As they say, “Just look at the record!” Hope you had a good Wednesday!
Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves.
Brené Brown
This past weekend we had two days of 60 degrees and sunshine while this morning we have 24 degrees and two inches of snow. It’s still falling. However, it is a wet spring snow so plenty of much needed moisture with it.
I had coffee and conversation with David this morning at one of our favorite coffee shops. Of course with the snow and cold the scones were mandatory. David is from Copenhagen which is a bicycle friendly city and where cars have a much smaller footprint on people’s lifestyles. So as usual, David rode his bicycle to the shop.