• leaves,  quotes

    A Simple Walk

    For all the great thoughts I have read
    For all the deep books I have studied
    None has brought me nearer to Spirit
    Than a walk beneath shimmering leaves.

    Steven Charleston
  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

    Working the Craft

    Photograph because you love doing it, because you absolutely have to do it, because the chief reward is going to be the process of doing it. Other rewards — recognition, financial remuneration — come to so few and are so fleeting. And even if you are somewhat successful, there will almost inevitably be stretches of time when you will be ignored, have little income, or — often — both. Certainly there are many other easier ways to make a living in this society. Take photography on as a passion, not a career.

    Alex Webb

    I had new business cards made. Well they’re not really business cards as I do not have a business. However, there are those times when people see me on the street with my camera and will ask if I’m a photographer. I tell them yes but I do not make a living at it, it is one of my passions. I hand them a card so they can see what I like to photograph and write about on my blog. The last set of cards lasted about 5 years. Shows you how seldom I hand them out. 

    I’ve noticed over the past few days how many photo opportunities I find when I take the bus to campus then walk on campus and in Old Town. They seem to be everywhere. Since I was in Old Town on Friday I figured I might as well stop in at Starry Night and have an Americano. It was about 9:30 am and they were busy. The din was up several decibels from what it usually is at 7:00 am. I did get in a few lines in my journal then headed home. On my way out I took a few photos of Amber working her craft, steaming milk while she pulls an espresso shot. A photo opportunity fulfilling a passion of mine!

    It is a cold morning with clear blue skies and sunshine. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunsets

    Feeling Gratitude

    Sunset at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    After watching this evening’s sunset I realized how much I have to be grateful for in my life. I’m even grateful I can say that as often as I do. Even though I am not wealthy, I have enough to live comfortably. Even though I am aging and have a couple of health issues we are addressing, I have a healthy lifestyle. I have amazing and growing relationships with family and friends and those who are both. I have a spiritual life that I embrace and nurture. I have a coffee life that has become part of my family. I have these beautiful Colorado sunsets and sunrises that touch some deep place within me. I am grateful for gloves. I am grateful for all who read this post. Gratitude fills me this evening. Going to share this evening’s sunset with you and hope you have a wonderful weekend! A second post today.

  • fall season,  leaves

    Remind me of me

    Taken while waiting for the bus.

    I would say that 80-90% of the leaves have let go of the mother tree and moved on to the next phase of life. And, every year I’m intrigued from a photographer’s perspective to see the few leaves who seem to want to hold on. Maybe it’s because they remind me of me. They remind me of my tendency to hang on when letting go of my unhealthy habits, traits, and thinking was a better option. Hard lessons have taught me that letting go allows us to experience new adventures in life. I would say that at this Fall Season of my life I am learning to let go and live the next phase of life. Truly, it has become an adventure! 

    We are cold at 23 degrees. Took the bus to campus and now sipping on a mocha at the Lory Student Center. Have a wonderful Friday!

  • coffee life,  latte art,  love,  quotes

    I’m still learning

    Had I been given a clear definition of love earlier in my life it would not have taken me so long to become a more loving person. Had I shared with others a common understanding of what it means to love it would have been easier to create love.

    bell hooks

    Like many of us when we were young, love was an object to grasp. As I’ve grown older, gained some experience, love for me is now an action word, no longer an object just out of my reach. I’ve discovered it is a part of my very essence, who I am. I’ve discovered that it asks to be given away without any conditions and without any expectations of receiving anything in return. It’s easy to tell someone I love them and believe I love them but it’s another thing to actually love. Slowly but surely I’m learning about this action word called love.

    As a side note the boots from yesterday’s posted image are no longer there.

  • Documentary/Street,  street photography

    Asking you to vote again

    Street scene on my walk home from coffee

    So, the question is multiple choice. Were the boots left on the porch because they were.:
    a. wet.
    b. muddy
    c. rank as hell
    d. All the above.

    I was awakened about 4:00 am by the lovely sound of rain tapping on my bedroom window. Weather app says we can expect rain throughout the day and cooler temperatures. May you have a wonderful day!

  • quotes,  reflections,  spirituality,  sunsets

    A question to ponder

    If we ever want to be happy, then, we need to move beyond the level of simple material satisfaction to the development of the spiritual dimension of what it means to be human. We not only need to find out what we do best and do it to the utmost. We also need to ask ourselves again why we were born. What is it that we have that the world needs and is waiting for us to provide?

    Joan Chittister