My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Let me embrace each dawn as gift. Let me walk the hours of day unafraid With grace and faith unbounded.
Let evening find me close to those I love Warming my soul by the fires of their laughter.
Let me sleep believing tomorrow will be a blessing.
Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel
We had our first snowfall last night. I awoke to a heavy fog and mist this morning. There was a dusting of snow on rooftops and frost on windshields. I agree each morning is a blessing whether a brilliant sunrise or fog and mist. And, my walk through today will include lunch with my oldest daughter, Christine, reading a new book and journaling time. Seems to be that kind of day. Happy Halloween!
Let me honor you today with the respect you deserve. Let me acknowledge you as a person Who has worth and value.
Our world would be diminished without you. Our journey would seem longer. You bless us with your presence. You make a difference in our lives. We need you.
There are many who would stand to say this with me. You are loved. I know you well enough to understand That you do not expect Or even want to hear this kind of praise. But I believe the spirit intends every human heart To hear a simple truth: you are a light others can see.
Steven Charleston
Today would have been my mothers 93rd birthday. I miss your light!
Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits…
Henri Nouwen
A few years ago I took up the practice of asking myself such questions. Even stopping during the day to ask them, especially if I was restless or irritable. It’s now become a regular part of my day. It requires me to be honest and thorough in this self-examination and maybe even bounce it off a close friend. It can turn the day around for me and others. I must confess I’m not as diligent with this practice as I would like to be. But, that’s why it’s called practice. It causes me to wonder what our world would look like if more people were to do such an inventory of themselves each day? I’ve come to believe these are the real questions everyone needs to ask.
How beautiful our mother, the earth And how worthy of our love and respect.
Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel
I took a pleasant bicycle ride yesterday along Spring Creek Trail and the Poudre Trail. It was 31 degrees when I got up but we reached a lovely 70 degrees by mid-afternoon. Blue skies and a spattering of clouds brought a smile. I was not the only one out riding and walking. Just to my left was a women with a painting easel, sitting on a stool and an umbrella to keep the sun off while painting this very scene at the Cattail Chorus Natural Area. I agree with Charleston’s poem, we do have a beautiful Mother Earth and my prayer is we all learn to love and respect her.
When it comes to learning something new, cluelessness turns out to be the perfect and only place to start.
Margaret D. McGee
One of the gifts with bicycling along the hard surface trails in Fort Collins has been the connection to nature. The trails separate me from the city noise but within the city. Unless I told you there were homes a short distance from this scene you wouldn’t know it, you’d be clueless! A brisk 31 degrees this morning but clear blue skies and sunshine now. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
The intimacy our souls long for can happen only when we take off whatever stands between ourselves and union with the One. Our hunger for new cars and clothes, our reliance on other people’s opinions of us, our preconceptions about what it means to be spiritual, our attachment to habitual states of misery. Take it off. Peel it off and fling it off. Find your own subversive spirit and reclaim even the most challenging parts of your life as holy ground. Then everyday miracles will spring from beneath your bare feet to astonish you.
Mirabai Starr
A rather cold morning here in Colorado with last night bringing a hard frost. The middle of next week will be cold with the possibility of our first snowfall of the season. That will curtail my bicycle rides to coffee. I am intrigued by Mirabai’s suggestion to find our own subversive spirit because I have been on that path for several years now, and enjoying it. I am learning to see those everyday miracles and sometimes capture an image of them. And, I like how Kathleen Dowling-Singh suggests it is a gift to pursue a spiritual path while still in the midst of life.
The wind has blown hard today, gusting up to 30 mph. The blue sky is filled with an infinite number of yellow, gold, brown, red, pink, and multi-speckled leaves. And, all are being invited to dance and sing with the wind. Yet some hold on, not ready to let go, even though it’s an essential part of their journey. I must confess, I do love the music that they make together, this chorus after chorus of rustling leaves and wind. Their music is one of the primary reasons I enjoy this time of the year. This image is taken outside my front door where the wind swirls leaves into a delightful blanket of beauty just for me. It is all a miracle!!!
A touch of pink
Somewhere along the way, you realize that no one will teach you how to live your own life — not your parents or your idols, not the philosophers or the poets, not your liberal arts education or your twelve-step program, not church or therapy or Tolstoy. No matter how valuable any of that guidance, how pertinent any of that wisdom, in the end you discover that you make the path of life only by walking it with your own two feet under the overstory of your own consciousness — that singular miracle never repeated in all the history and future of the universe, never fully articulable to another.
Maria Popova
This quote by Maria Popova is from a wonderful blog post which you can read here.