I have notice as the number of my birthdays increase it becomes more difficult to crawl out of a warm bed on cold mornings. And, if you add a cold floor to that equation the motivation to place warm toasty feet on that floor will delay getting out of bed even longer.
As some of you may know my work does require me to travel, spending from 8-12 nights a month in hotels. Over time I’ve discovered which hotels have the better beds and pillows. Some are wonderful and make for restful sleep while others give cause for restless nights. The image above is from one of my favorite hotels which has wonderful beds with fantastic comforters to keep me warm. The morning I took this image the sun was not up and the temperature outside was around 3 degrees (F). Even though I was rested because I had slept well, it was difficult to get out of the bed. After showering and getting dressed I looked over at that bed and wanted to crawl back in. But, the warmth of the sheets was already gone and a full days work was to be done. I smiled then laughed knowing I’d be back!