This beautiful woman is Melissa. Just after moving out here I met her and her daughter at a local coffee shop. After breaking the ice and taking a few photos of them we have established a nice friendship. At the present time she is writing a book on vanity license plates. I think she has a good idea going as there are a lot of people driving the streets with personalized license plates causing many of us to mull over their meaning. Her concept is to interview owners who are willing to share the meaning of their license plates and put them into a book. If interested in sharing yours or if you’re curious for more information please check out her website here. Did I mention she is beautiful woman?
Russ Devan
I will second that. Melissa IS a VERY beautiful woman and you did her justice with your wonderful portrait of her. The concept for her book is intriguing. I once had a personalized license plate that now hangs in my den. I had recently graduated from college at the time and it adorned the back of my first car, so the meaning was pretty obvious as it had my alma mater and graduation year displayed on it.
Did I mention that I agreed with you that Melissa is a beautiful woman? You should ask her if you could shoot her portrait for her to use on the jacket of her book!