• animals,  bicycling,  quotes,  shadows,  wildlife

    Happy Friday

    “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
    “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

    The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

    A brisk 31 degrees this morning in Colorado. I met Jeff for coffee and conversation. When I got home I found out I had an issue with my website. After a chat session with Bluehost all seems to be working again. I find myself feeling overwhelmed with technology even after years working in engineering. I know some of that is immediate panic and a voice that says “I’m screwed now.” I don’t consider myself a techy person but prefer sharing stories of our lives with a friend, reading a book, journaling or enjoying the few moments with this nice buck I saw on my bicycle ride this morning. Each of those is about what I am doing with the time that has been given me while living in these times. Happy Friday!!

  • animals,  nature,  quotes

    Those Brown Eyes

    I want not only to observe but to know living beings, and this implies a dimension of primordial familiarity which is simple and primitive and religious and poor.

    Thomas Merton, The Trees Say Nothing

    I would add that this familiarity needs to be in their natural environment; the city park, the mountains, prairie, desert, yards, and gardens. All living beings share this world with me so spending time with them is the gift.

  • animals,  natural areas,  nature

    Those Black Eyes

    I read the other day that God finds a thousand ways to tell us that we are sought after. In many ways I’d like to believe that. And please don’t ask me to define what God is because I can’t. All I can do is share my experiences where I have moments with a something bigger than me.

    While out shooting the sunrise last week at Pineridge Natural Area I was startled by some movement at my feet. When there’s movement that close to me, I am startled because we do have rattlesnakes in the area. However, looking down, I watched this baby cottontail move closer and closer to me, seemingly a bit quizzical about me and unafraid. As I looked into those black eyes, with no words needing to be exchanged, I felt something, a connection. Was I being sought after? I went home clearly touched in some way by Nature and those gifts she offers. I’m grateful to say the God of my youth has evolved into the God I can experience today through the black eyes of a cottontail. I wonder, who sought who? Have a wonderful Monday and a great week.

  • animals,  coffee life

    Meet Milo

    Milo is one of the regulars at Mugs who brings his human to the coffee shop for their caffeine fix and to show off Milo. He is one of the best behaved dogs you’ll ever meet. Every once in awhile I see him get one of those pupcups, which is a small cup filled with whip cream. I’ve never heard him bark either. Anyway, meet Milo and have a great week!

  • animals,  quotes

    One of My Neighbors

    “One of these days, I’m going to publish a book of all the pictures I did not take. It is going to be a huge hit.”

    René Burri

    So what title would you give your book of images you never took?

  • animals,  National Parks,  Rocky Mountain National Park

    Butt Shots

    Seems that about 50% of my elk photos I’ve taken are butt shots. They are usually more interested in grazing than posing. However, I do understand.

    Elk eat green grasses and forbs during the growing season. They need these to achieve a nutritional level that allows them to grow and develop well. When elk and other ungulates eat shrubs, they typically select the tips of branches which comprise the current year’s growth and offer the most nutrients. It is estimated that Elk eat an average of 3 pounds of food per day for every 100 pounds of body weight; therefore, a bull elk weighing 800 pounds would eat about 24 pounds of forage each day. As you can tell in this image they are interested in the new spring grasses. So, here is my butt shot for this spring!

  • animals,  coffee life,  flowers,  shadows

    My Commute

    I am not sure how many days I commuted to and from work but I am grateful I no longer commute to work. However, this morning on my walk/bus ride to the coffee shop I was aware I still commute, yet it does not seem like a commute. While commuting to work, my mind was already at work, figuring, planning, scheduling, arguing, and already building resentments. This meant I was not mentally present for the commute. Wonder how many gifts nature was offering me and I missed them?

    So I’m going to share with you a bit of my commute to coffee this morning. (Sorry if it bores you.) We had a cloudless blue sky. Apple blossoms reminding me it’s spring. A squirrel watching my every move. A cottontail checking out their reflection in the car. Early morning shadows. Spring flowers and new leaves on campus. Heard the cooing of a morning dove and the cry of a hawk. And then when I arrived at Mugs my barista, Emma, offered her wonderful smile and made me a mocha. Yes, I still commute but it’s different. I have an open slate on my calendar, so I plan to do a bit of reading and writing, in the sun. Enjoy your Friday.

  • animals,  quotes

    We Are Never Alone

    I come here to listen, to nestle in the curve of the roots in a soft hollow of pine needles, to lean my bones against the column of white pine, to turn off the voice in my head until I can hear the voices outside it: the shhh of wind in needles, water trickling over rock, nuthatch tapping, chipmunks digging, beechnut falling, mosquito in my ear, and something more—something that is not me, for which we have no language, the wordless being of others in which we are never alone.

    Robin Wall-Kimmerer

    I find it interesting that squirrels usually make sure there is a tree between them and me. For some reason last week there seemed to be a bit more courage, a willingness to take more risk, for this squirrel. Then again it just could be they’re a photogenic squirrel wanting their photo taken. We didn’t talk but some connection was taking place. Yes, we are never alone. We awoke to a dusting of snow, overcast skies and cold. Now at the coffee shop and no appointments. Stay warm.