Spent time in Old Town area for a ĺook at the lights. My hands were cold by the time I returned home. But, made a hot chocolate as the images downloaded. All is good.
Bridles and things
At one time we had barns rather than garages. We opened the door manually rather than with a remote. We had a horse or two, maybe a cow parked in it. There were no oil spots on the concrete floor but we did have other stuff on the floor. Along the walls were hanging the gear we needed to ride our horse or maybe a buggy. Anyway here is an image from a barn at the Superstition Mountains Museum near Apache Junction, AZ.
Heading South
I am heading south to Phoenix for a visit with family and some warmer weather. I’ll spend some time with my sister and brother-in-law and some time with my parents. I was hoping for some nice weather so I could go barefoot and get away from the cold here but they are expecting temperatures on Thanksgiving day to be right around freezing. Be back in two weeks unless the family gets tired of me. 🙂
Give’em a Smile
“In order to move forward, you will have to stumble along the way, but every falter in your stride just makes your next step even stronger.” ― Lindsay Chamberlin
I stumbled on one of my walks this past week. Of ocurse the first thing I did was check to see who saw me. Luckily, there were no witnesses. I then looked down to see what I’d tripped over but there was nothing. I literally stumbled over nothing. I just failed to properly place one foot in front of the other as I walked. And, no, I was not looking at my phone but my mind had fluttered off somewhere. I had moved away from being mindful and present to my walk. Nor, can I tell you where it fluttered. Happens more often than I want to admit.
Stumbling can unexpectedly bring us new discoveries, excitement, joys and lessons. And, sometimes stumbling can unexpectedly bring pain, sadness, regret and lessons. But, when we stumble and fall, it’s vital to get back up and dust off the pants, check for witnesses, take note of the reason we stumbled and hopefully learn from any lessons. Stumbling and falling are lessons.
Anyway, if the next time you stumble and there is a witness, give’em a smile and tell them you intended to do that. 🙂
Experience Such a World
“Each moment is an opportunity to create. We can see this in each sunrise, sunset, flower, rainbow, snowflake, as they are a series of creative moments. We are all gifted to create. We can create new views of and for the world. Why do we waste our creative moments? Is it fear of our creation to be flawed or rejected by others and ourselves? Yet, our art is not intended to be perfection but a chance to offer a gift. And, what about sloth? Sloth is another reason and closely related to fear. Sometimes it is easier to daydream and fantasize in our safe little world than spend the time and effort at creativity. What would the world be like if we all overcame our fears? What would it be to experience such a world?” An excerpt from my journal 1/13/2015
Morning Shadows
Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures. – Don McCullin
Tremble Court
Tremble Court is a small store in the Old Town Square. Three walkways meet at the store’s front door, one being an alley. As I was walking through Tremble Court towards the square I noticed this woman walking towards the court from the alley. I walked past the three way intersection while composing an image in my head. I then stopped and turned to wait for her to pass through. She is coming from the direction of a homeless shelter and with her heavy bags I assumed her to be homeless. I took two images as she walked by. She was carrying what I assume to be all she had. Her body is stooped over due to a bad back, heavy bags or both. When I see homeless people who only own what’s on their back it causes me to realize all that I have.