• architecture

    Take the Stairs

    Stairs at the old post office in Fort Collins
    Stairs at the old post office in Fort Collins

    “Faith is taking the first step even when we don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Sometimes we must take the stairs to reach our goals. I’ve discovered hesitation can delay reaching our goals or even sidetrack us from reaching them. Anyway, as Willie Nelson’s song goes, “I’m in the air again.” Starting on a 4-day trip today with Audrey. So, stay close to your phone in case we need to call for bail money. 🙂

  • architecture,  Church

    Don’t Stop

    Prayer Time
    Prayer Time

    I saw a sign yesterday posted out in front of a church, it read “If you’ve been praying for snow, please stop.” But, because of our need for moisture in Colorado, I say keep it going. We had about 5-6 inches of snow through the night, that works for me. Anymore than that I’ll be complaining.  The temperatures are not bad at 16 degrees (F). Stay warm for those caught in frigid weather and enjoy this last Friday of January 2014!

  • architecture,  Black and White,  Travel


    Sky Harbor Airport

    I’ve heard of a prayer that goes something like this, “God give me patience and give it to me now.” Waiting can be difficult for many of us. Several come to mind. Standing in a checkout line. Sitting in doctors office. Waiting on a delayed flight at the airport. Meeting someone who is late for coffee. Waiting for the arrival of a new grandchild. Waiting for our tax return. 🙂 Waiting for a freezer of homemade ice cream to finish. Waiting for the pizza to be delivered. Yet, as I grow older I’ve learned to appreciate waiting. I really do enjoy those times of sitting or kneeling in wet grass waiting for the sun to touch the horizon as it rises or sets. Walking the streets waiting for a photo opportunity to present itself. Waiting silently in prayer or mediation. Waiting is a teacher if we let it. Waiting can be a discipline if we let it. Waiting can have special rewards if we let it. As Elizabeth Taylor says, “It is very strange that the years teach us patience – that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.”  Are we learning to wait patiently or wanting it now?

  • architecture,  doors,  quotes

    Happy New Year

    Doors and Latch
    Near one of my hotels

    “Remember the entrance door to the sanctuary is within you.”


    Yes, these doors are hiding a couple of trash dumpsters. Full of garbage. Things discarded by others and considered useless. Yet, I have watched people rummaging through dumpsters finding things of value to repair, fix and reuse. What most of us assumed to be garbage behind those doors has value, to someone.

    I have no new year resolutions. However, this coming year there will be the task of continuing to open doors. I feel that behind the door are gifts and talents I’ve discarded, never used, or even knew about, not trash. Those doors I’ve opened in 2013 have provided for growth as a son, father, grandfather, elder and a photographer. So, I’m looking forward to 2014. Happy New Year!