I made myself go to the mall this past weekend. With clear skies it was an attempt to get in some shooting more so than spending money. This is an advertisement in a window at one of the stores. I thought it was interesting.
Where do I start?
This is not a camera review. I’m just going to tell you what I like and don’t like about the X-E1.
My first comment is about the image quality. I am amazed at the image quality of the X-E1, it is outstanding. The quality of the sensor and the kit lens can make me a better photographer only because it will ask me to work on what I see and how I compose. So far I’ve only shot jpeg so I have no idea what a raw file will give me. I did shoot one raw file and was amazed a it’s size, 16 meg.
This is my first rangefinder camera so I have had to adjust to the feel of the camera and how it handles. I enjoy it’s smaller form making it comfortable to carry around my neck, not as intrusive when pointing at people. and, I personally think it looks cool. I like having the aperture ring and zoom ring on the lens, rather than buttons on the body. Reminds me of my Nikon FE2 days. More to come.
The Three Variables
“After 40 years of ingesting every aspect of photographic science and composition, I still find the camera to be an endlessly intriguing partner that challenges my imagination and knowledge. All that with only 3 variables of shutter speed, aperture and focal length.” – Ralph Auletta
Who We Really Are
Thomas Merton: “Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.” Strive each day to be who you really are.
“Church will always be renewed when our attention shifts from ourselves to those who need our care.” – Henri Nouwen
As I’ve mentioned previously I have a couple of churches I use for quiet time during the weekdays. I’ve seen this lady in the above image several times. On one occasion she had a young girl in a wheelchair with her. At first the sounds the young girl made was disturbing but after a few minutes they no longer bothered me. In fact I was glad she was there. It also helped me realize how good my life is. I have three healthy children and four healthy grandchildren. At the moment I have a daughter and two grandchildren living with me because of poor choices. Yet, this woman has burdens in her life far greater than mine. I do not know her name but I believe Church is not the building she prays in but her willingness to car for her daughter.