• airports

    Gate 46

    ..If you get an opportunity in photography you have to grab it – they don’t come along that often. When you get the chance of a great picture, you have to identify that quickly and make the most of the situation. Whatever age you are you can do that. Even with luck, you will still have to press the shutter at the right time. You need good reflexes and you need to be fit. 

    John Giles

    As photographers we are always observing how the light falls on our subjects. When I pulled out my camera and took three images it was a mix of interests. The woman’s focus, how the light was hitting her, the billboard, the gate number, all played into the making of this image. There was also a need to hold my camera in my hand and press the shutter to grab the moment.

    Woke to a temperature of 16 degrees at 6:00 am. Now up to 20 degrees but awesome to see the sun shining. Have a good Sunday.

  • architecture

    Seeing as a Child

    Something’s Missing

    “It is part of the photographer’s job to see more intensely than most people do. He must have and keep in him something of the receptiveness of the child who looks at the world for the first time or of the traveller who enters a strange country.” – Bill Brandt

    I do need to be more of a child when experiencing this world of ours.

  • architecture

    So True

    The Open Gate

    “No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal.” – Marilyn Ferguson


  • Bench,  Self-portraits

    Watching the Sunset


    It is not only the tool that makes a good photograph. It is the person behind it. – Norman J. Piluke

    I have invested good money into my tools for photography and I hope to spend the rest of my life investing in the person behind those tools and every once in a while in front of those tools. Anyway, it’s Friday and another week has quickly come and gone. I’ve gotta quit blinking so much these weeks are blazing by.