• architecture,  Art

    Need some repairs…

    Shallow Depth of Field

    About noon today I will be having some mild surgery. It seems the incision (a new seam I didn’t have previously) from my heart surgery over a year ago needs some repair. A hernia has appears at the bottom of the incision just below my sternum. I have no pain with it but it is getting larger. So, about noon today they will knock me out, add another scar to my chest, and charge me for doing it, all while I’m asleep. It will be outpatient but anesthesia will be used so I may have some shallow depth of field and blurry vision for a few hours. Sort of like the image above. I will be back on line as soon as possible.

  • architecture,  doors,  lifestyles

    The Reflection Room

    The Reflection Room

    I came across this door yesterday on the third floor of the Lory Student Center. I’d never seen it before. Something about it was different so I stopped and read the signage. The students can access this room by scanning their student ID’s and use the room for up to10 minutes to meditate, reflect or any similar activity. Now the green sign says 20 minutes when they swipe their student ID. Wow! What a unique and wonderful idea. I wonder how many 18-21 year old students will use this. As I reflect on this idea, I would venture to say that a lot of them need to use it, due to the lifestyle of being a college student.

  • architecture,  Art,  Art/Design,  quotes,  shadows,  window

    Morning shadows

    Early morning shadows last week in my living room

    “Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.” Parker Palmer

    Good morning. We have overcast skies and a strong wind blowing from the north, gusting to 31 mph. So, it’s a hold on to your hat kind of day. My Gortex jacket sure didn’t keep the cold wind out on my walk to the coffee shop. But, then that makes me walk faster, the coffee or tea really hit the spot and my barista’s  smile seem warmer. Have a great day, my friends! 

  • architecture,  Black and White,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  window

    A Common Scene

    Student life at Lory Student Center

    It was snowing when I took this image at the Legacy Lounge in the Lory Student Center last week. You couldn’t see the mountains but today we have have clear skies and it is now 54 degrees. That’s warm to most of us this time of the year. But, that will change tonight as a front moves in and we get another 1-2 inches tonight and tomorrow. This student had his laptop open but he was looking at his smartphone. A common scene nowadays. 

  • architecture,  lifestyles,  quotes,  shadows


    Dinning room table shadows

    “Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness……” Jim Rohn. But for me they are so elusive and seem to fall short of understanding and awareness.

  • gratitude,  lifestyles,  window,  writing/reading

    A bit of gratitude

    Window light in my bedroom

    “Let’s work to enjoy every sunrise and every sunset to the maximum degree possible, soaking it all in, mindfully.” Beth Frates

    I believe each day is a chance for gratitude, not that I do that each morning. It’s progress I’m after. This morning started out with a red sky in the east but has been cold and overcast with a chance of snow. So that red sky offered a moment of gratitude. I am also grateful for this small little condo I have. It is a cozy one bedroom, one bath place of about 760 square feet. It’s just right for a slothful bachelor to keep “sorta” clean. I am grateful for the wicker rocker I’m sitting in that looks out from my bedroom bay window. This window faces south/southeast so with morning sun coming in I have a place for quiet time in the sun. Yes, feeling some gratitude this morning. Stay warm!