This an image of three candle sconces in a hallway with multi-colored window curtains in the background. An abstract I like. This is my last week at the Mercy Center. I will be heading home this coming Friday. It has been good for me. Learned a lot about myself which was a major reason for coming. I have also met some really neat people that may be friends for years to come. The five week course has gone by quickly. And, I must admit I have put on about 5 pounds in the four weeks. I’ve got one more week to go! Have a great week!
Order and Chaos
Nature creates with chaos and man creates with order, or so it seems. Both make use of lines and curves to create. Architecture feels mostly ordered, static and has a rigid feeling to it. Nature feels more flexible, relaxed, in constant movement, never static and is free flowing.
I leave in the morning for my sabbatical to spend time in reading, writing, studying, prayer/meditation, quiet, learning to listen to the other within me. I have been uncovering, discovering, discarding the stinking thinking I had about myself and the world around me. Hoping this time with others on similar paths will continue in that process. Nervous and yet excited. What will I discover? I’m heading into this with as much openness as I am capable of. Yesterday was my 69th birthday so this is like a gift I’m giving to myself.
I do not expect to post much or read many of your amazing posts but will check whenever I can. They have a couple of computer on site for checking email so what access to the internet will be with my phone’s cellular data or some coffee shop I may find on a weekend. I’m actually looking forward to some time away from the internet, much like our friend Cedric just had for 2 months. I’m aware I spend too much time on it. See ya later.
Color and Vibrancy
The new vision, since the cataract surgery, is amazing. I now see 20/20 out of both eyes. I do need reading glasses but those are cheap and found almost everywhere. The color difference, the brightness and clarity of the simple everyday things have just been life changing. I became aware a couple years ago of how my condo seemed to not be as bright and airy to as in the past. Now I understand it’s because my sight was deteriorating due to the on coming cataracts. The light of morning sunshine has more color and vibrancy. Enjoy the coming week!
Blue Sky
We got home from Phoenix on Monday evening. I enjoyed my time in Phoenix with family, eating way too much, talked about old memories of our childhood and laughed a lot. Dad may have gotten bored a couple of times but mom sure did enjoy herself. Each morning after dad made breakfast we would go for coffee. This is the adobe wall outside the building and two shadows I found intriguing.
The cataract surgery went well. Was seeing 20/50 with my right eye 24 hours after surgery. Have an appointment today and see how much it improves. I may not need glasses except to read. That is strange as I’ve had to have corrective lenses since I was around 10 years old. I am scheduled to have the left eye operated on June 4th. As of now, I am quite excited.
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things long after you have forgotten everything.”
May Snowfall
This image was taken this morning at the CSU Experimental Gardens. They brought in soil for planting then this morning’s a light snow makes the dirt piles look like piles of snow. Leaving in the morning for Phoenix to celebrate my parents 70th anniversary. Party’s on!
Doors in Alleys
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” Corrie Ten Boom
Doors found in the back alley of Old Town Fort Collins. I’d venture to say this morning that there does not exist a street photographer that does not have at least a hundred images, maybe thousands, of doors in alleys.
Routes Served
“Other voices easily drown out our own before we can really hear it. And this applies whether you hear positive or negative reactions; both are dangerous to us. Positive feedback too soon will stop us moving forward or going deeper. It’ll stop us at the low-hanging fruit and the first, most obvious iterations, and our work won’t have a chance at getting honed. And negative reactions or feedback can stop us just as quickly when that feedback often only means “this work isn’t for me” and has nothing to do with how authentic or good it might actually be.” David DuChemin
Took the early bus this morning to campus and now at the Lory Student Center. I came early to have some time to write and a bit of quiet before the students begin dragging themselves in to classes. I will meet a good friend for coffee who teaches philosophy at 9:00. It seems to be a beautiful day, almost reaching 70 degrees before we have rain later this evening.
I relate to David’s quote as I have for most of my life been one who wants the approval of others. Hopefully, I’ve moved beyond the need for approval of others to validate who I am, at anything. At one time acquiring the comments and likes determined the quality of my images. I’m aware there are times when I post an image too early, before it’s time, looking for approval of a poor image, or I just want to post an image. What I get from his quote is the need to listen more to the voice within in all areas of life. I’m a work in process, taking my own routes, as are my images.