“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”
Maya Angelou
“You don’t become enormously successful without encountering and overcoming a number of extremely challenging problems.” Mark Victor Hanson
I’ve had a few of challenging problems in my life and I assume you have also. Reflecting back I see where some of those challenges were not really challenges at all, some were created by me and some were both. I learned from some of those challenges while some I repeated (more than twice). While working as an engineer, I found it exciting to encounter challenges. Those challenges helped keep my interested in that career, at least for a few years.
As we age many will face the challenge of health problems. Knees will pop and crack, backs will hurt more, arthritis will be more persistent, naps will play a more important role, our metabolism slows down and more. And, I imagine, keeping up with technology will require calling the (great) grandkids. As you know I just made a trip to visit my parents and I see the challenges my parents are facing and notice them occurring in my own life.
Photography, also offers us challenges. Learning the capabilities of our gear, dealing with weather and lighting conditions. If making money with our passion is required then we may have challenges with learning how to work as a business, marketing, finances.
Anyway, while relaxing on my parents back patio I noticed the patterns and colors of their pergola and the blue sky. And, since I had my camera I took one shot. To me this is an example where images do come to us. This image was given to me rather my efforts to capture or take an image. We just have to be there.
Paints and Brushes
Bright Colors
“Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for idea.” -Paula Poundstone
“Our religion is not one of paint and feathers; it is a thing of the heart.” – follower of Handsome Lake, Seneca
My Little Pony
Loved the light so I moved in close for a shot. After taking the shot I had to ask my grandson what these guys were. The figurine on the left is My Little Pony and the other one is a Pokemon character. Of course, you all knew that, right?
The figurines were not what I saw first but the early morning light and shadows was. Not sure when things sifted and I began to see the light and then look for a subject to go with it. Both light and shadows call to me and I hope I will always listen to those calls.
Alice working at her craft. Hope everyone has a good weekend!