• Avian,  Canada Goose


    Canada geese usually molt, or shed their flight feathers, from late June to early July, as a part of their preparation for migration. During molting, adult geese are unable to fly for 20–40 days while their new feathers grow in. This keeps them on the ground, which can lead to increased sightings of geese and their young walking across roads. It’s not unusual to see traffic stopped in the road, some drivers honking, while the geese meander across the road. Those drivers are not aware that their honking only disturbs me 🤨 and not the geese.

    The geese that didn’t breed during the season typically molt first, followed by adults with young right before their babies get their first flight feathers. Growing these new feathers is very energy intensive, so geese are hungrier than usual during this time. This means there’s gonna be more poop, everywhere! We call our daily walks at this time of season, the Goose Poop Boogie. So for the past several weeks, I’ve seen several groups of 15 to 30 geese, laying on the ground (as in the above image), eating and pooping at the same time. It does make for some easy photographs but ya gotta watch where your step’n. Happy July 1st!!

  • Avian,  Canada Goose,  musings

    They are who they are

    Unlike humans who incessantly worry about how they look, Canada Geese don’t. Nor do they have a mirror to look into and judge how they look. They are who they are. Wonder, what would it be like if we did not have mirrors to judge and compare ourselves to others? What would people think if I had chocolate on my face or spaghetti sauce or grass? I’m learning to be who I am. Hope you’re having a good day!

  • Avian,  Canada Goose,  quotes

    That’s Kinda Kool!

    One among the stars

    Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.

    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    This image was taken today about midmorning. The sun and wind were creating stars on the waters surface, so the photographer in me reached for my camera. Then, without an invitation, the geese decided to get into the frame, adding an unexpected impact to the scene. I find both the image and the quote reminding me that we are a part in the universe – we are one among the stars. I also find that’s kinda kool!

  • Canada Goose,  gratitude,  Humor,  winter scenes


    At 6:37 am my weather app said it was 0°, wind was out of the north at 11 mph, humidity was at 83%, wind chill at −17° and light snow was falling. Later at 7:13 am I was enjoying a mocha latte at Mugs and had to snicker at the insane individuals who would be out in this weather, unless they were my barista or the city snowplow driver. Told my baristas, Emma and Jess, that I needed to have a conversation with McCabe and Marlie (the owners) about paying them double-time for working on days like this. They thought it was a great idea! When I got home I noticed the geese were sleeping in late so I quietly took three images. They looked so comfortable I didn’t want to wake them. Now at my computer, slippers on, furnace running, sipping on a hot chai tea and have a grateful heart! ❤️ Going to be a day for reading and writing. Looks like most of the country is cold today so stay warm!!!

  • Avian,  Canada Goose,  haiku,  quotes,  writing/reading

    haiku moment…

    I didn’t know it, but I was having a ‘haiku moment’- a moment when the mind stops and the heart moves.

    Margaret McGee, Haiku – The Sacred Art

    I’ve been noticing a large amount of goose feathers in one area of the grass near the ponds. My first thought was a major conflict over stomping grounds but this morning there must have been 20 geese in that area. This suggested the large amount of feathers was due to the greater number of geese. Actually, it could be both. There were no signs of conflict this morning. All of them resting, sleeping in a calm and seemingly peaceful place. I just stood there for a moment feeling the calm, then picked up my camera and took the image offered. I’ll call it a haiku moment. It is cloudy and cool but no rain forecasted. Will meet my oldest daughter for lunch today. Hope you have a great day.

    always alert while
    seemingly peaceful and calm
    a haiku moment

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  Avian,  Canada Goose,  gratitude,  landscape,  natural areas,  sunrises

    Such a Beautiful World

    I enjoyed a quiet predawn at Arapaho Bend Natural Area this morning. I was the only one there other than the geese, some Great Blue Herons along the far shore and a couple of pelicans. None of us was very talkative.

    We had more rain and thunderstorms yesterday, in fact the weather was severe on the eastern plains. However the weather brought winds helping to clear out the smoke and haze. Quite the contrast this morning. Nature seemed to take a deep breath, relax and gives us the gifts of a clear predawn sky, a sunrise and the promise of a new day.

    After spending time in these sanctuaries I feel the inadequacy of offering any words expressing the feelings I experience, yet I try. If there is one word to express my feelings it’s gratitude. Pretty simple. Such a beautiful world we live in when we take the time to experience it. Now going to meet a friend for a late lunch. Have a great day!!

  • Avian,  Canada Goose,  landscape,  poems,  poetry,  snow,  writing/reading

    Winter is not done…

    Reminded this morning
    that winter is not done
    as big fluffy wet snowflakes
    descend on our world.

    Nature’s paintbrush dripping
    with pure white snowflakes
    drapes its blanket across
    the backs of the Geese.


    Had my follow up appointment with the cardiologist, Amy Dickinson, this morning and all is going well one week after the surgery. She said my heart sounds good and I’m progressing as expected. Will have an Echocardiogram on April 10th for a look-see inside then a one month follow up with the surgeon, Dr. Lazkani, on April 13th. I will begin a cardiac rehab in a week or two. She suggested I continue to increase my activity as tolerated. Also, have another blood draw on April 3rd then a meeting with the hematologist on April 6th and discuss how things are going in that area of my life. Thankfully, everything from the bone marrow biopsy came back negative. My world is much brighter today than 12 weeks ago. This mornings snow has continued throughout the day with no accumulation, but loving the moisture content it brings. Hoping you had a good day!

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  Avian,  Canada Goose,  clouds,  Humor,  landscape,  natural areas

    Random Formation

    Geese flying over Rigden Reservoir

    There was a lot of chatter going up there as these Canada Geese flew over me. Had to chuckle as I imagined what they are honking up about. Do you suppose they are just like we are when we get in our cars and head somewhere? Were some complaining the goose behind them was following too close? Were some wanting to fly faster or slower? Were some being backseat flyers? Were some wanting to land here or fly on farther? Were some trying to control the formation, shouting instructions to others because the formation is not what they wanted? Do I even want to know? Not really but I had fun with my imagination. Have a great week!