• Avian,  Mary Oliver,  meadowlark,  poems


    Western Meadowlark

    Sixty-seven years, oh Lord, to look at the clouds,
    the trees in deep, moist summer,
    daisies and morning glories
    opening every morning
    their small, ecstatic faces—
    Or maybe I should just say
    how I wish I had a voice
    like the meadowlark’s,
    sweet, clear, and reliably
    slurring all day long
    from the fencepost, or the long grass
    where it lives
    in a tiny but adequate grass hut
    beside the mullein and the everlasting,
    the faint-pink roses
    that have never been improved, but come to bud
    then open like little soft sighs
    under the meadowlark’s whistle, its breath-praise,
    its thrill-song, its anthem, its thanks, its
    alleluia. Alleluia, oh Lord.

    Mary Oliver
  • Avian,  Fujifilm X-T3,  Fujifilm XF70-300mm f4.0-5.6,  meadowlark,  Photography

    New Optics

    Western Meadowlark

    I’ve had for 20 plus years two pairs of binoculars that I seldom pickup because they are a pain in the a$$ to use. I’ve carried one pair in the car and keep the other in my condo. Since I’m spending more time in nature, I am wanting a closer look at this world around me. So, a couple weeks ago I did some research on birding binoculars and learned why these binoculars I have are such a hassle to use.

    I learned most birders prefer using 8×42 binoculars. The ones I have are 10×24, which makes them small and lightweight but difficult to use. The first number is the magnification and and the second number is the diameter of the glass. The larger magnification causes a lot of shake while the smaller glass reduced the amount of light and field of view.

    The most recommended pair in my price range was the Nikon Prostaff S3 8×42. I made a visit to Jax Surplus to look at a pair, liked what I saw and made the purchase, knowing I could return them if they did not work for me. Wow, what a difference. These binoculars weigh in at 19.9 ounces, are rated at 377 ft/1,000 yd Field Of View, and are waterproof and fogproof. It is interesting to use them in tracking a bird in flight, something impossible previously. I’ve even taken them for walks without my camera because I enjoy just watching/studying the birds. Or, as I’ve read, “Studying the book of nature.” Yep, new optics! 😁

  • Avian,  Fujifilm X-T3,  Fujifilm XF70-300mm f4.0-5.6,  haiku,  meadowlark,  Photography,  writing/reading

    From the Heart

    shared from the heart
    the joy of being alive
    meadowlarks song


    Sorry but you may be seeing more bird images as I play with this new lens. Already shot about 400 images with it. I thought I had a bad lens at first because I felt the motor was too loud and would continuously run. I have never experience this before with any lens using image stabilization. I talked to Pat at the store I purchased it from and and he was not aware of any such issues. And, of course I bought the only one he’s seen in the store. He pulled out the 80mm macro lens because it has quad linear motor for focusing, where there is a clunking noise when the lens is not powered up. Once the motor is powered up the noise goes away but the motor runs continuously. This is part of their floating focusing system in that lens and is being used more on mirrorless cameras. I have the same clunk with this lens when off the camera but it is very minimal compared to the 80mm macro. All information I have found says the 70-300mm lens has a linear autofocus motor, saying nothing about a floating focus system. What’s the difference? I’m still checking on this. Other than that, this lens seems to be a good addition to my camera bag but left a hole in my wallet.

    Image information: 300mm f8.0 1/450 second and ISO 160; handheld with 70 year old hands and shooting from my car. 😁 No sharpening or clarity on this image.

  • Avian,  landscape,  meadowlark,  natural areas,  prairie,  writing/reading

    Be Snake Awake

    Meadowlark perched on a fence post

    Last week somewhere around this spot a white tail doe bounced through the field heading towards the trees in the background. This scene looks very different than last week because the hay was up to her back, guessing it was 3-4 feet tall. The hay has been cut, baled and most of it taken and stacked in some hay barn awaiting the coming winter. Something else different in this scene is one of “my” meadowlarks sitting on the fence post, singing a good morning song. Also enjoyed the sun’s rays shining through the clouds.

    Beware sign at the trailhead leading into Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    This sign is located at the beginning of the trailhead, giving a fair warning. I have a friend who runs some of the trails along the foothills and says they have been seeing more snakes as we get closer to July and things warm up. These signs are important for those who are not familiar to the area and it’s dangers and a reminder to those who forget. I have only seen a couple of them over the past 20 years while exploring the trails. It’s a good idea to make a little noise just so they will scurry away.

  • Avian,  meadowlark


    “You cannot be what nature did not intend you to be, the struggles of life come from trying to be something other than you.”

    I love Meadowlarks. I think they are a very pretty bird and their song is wonderful. It is so distinct and resonates with the feeling of being happy and joyful. And, I think they are. It could be they are happy because they are living who they are, a meadowlark, and not trying to be a robin. We can learn from them. It looks like this one is working on building a nest or patching one up.