“Photography is, for me, a spontaneous impulse coming from an ever attentive eye which captures the moment and its eternity.” Henri Cartier-Bresson
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Standing passengers on public transportation hang on to handles, called strap-hangers. They intrigued me yesterday so I played around with different compositions and framing. There are now a few people who know I’m a bit insane and give me some distance. I’d like to share a story about one of the first times I began riding the bus. Forgive me if I’ve told this before.
One morning when getting on I found it packed with students on their way to campus. There was no room to sit so I had to stand, grabbing a strap-hanger. This nice young man, calling me “Sir”, offered me his seat. After declining the offer I began to think about the generosity and concern of his offer for this older guy. I realized how much older I was than 95% of the kids on the bus. I also noticed the cute young lady he was sitting next to. So, the next time I ever encounter the same or similar situation I just may take up the offer, especially if she’s cute. 🙂
This morning we have a full moon sitting just above the mountains to the west. In the east we have a radiant orange sky between the horizon and clouds. The day begins! I’m at Bindles on the hill looking out the east window over the Poudre River flowing in the valley below. Next to me is a mocha latte. Live is good!
“There is in all visible things… a hidden wholeness.”
In 2013 we discovered I have a leaky aortic valve in my heart, known as Aortic Regurgitation. An EKG and treadmill test were done at that time and a status of moderate leakage was the diagnosis. I was told this is not uncommon but we need to watch it closely. This past May during my physical my family physician and I agreed it was time to have a cardiologist run some tests and get their evaluation. After several tests it has been determined the leakage has continued to deteriorate and the left chamber of my heart has begun to enlarge. I now have a better understanding for my lack of energy and motivation over the past 4-5 years. So, the cardiologists, surgeons and my family doctor consider me to be a good candidate for Aortic Valve Replacement surgery.
Thought I would post an image of clouds over the front range for those who like clouds. 🙂 We have had temperatures in the 90’s the past three days so it’s been hot out here. We have tow forest fires burning north and west of us. One is a controlled burn and the other is one set by lightening about three days ago and is not a major problem. I imagine those of you in Charlotte are not seeing these sort of clouds.
They are painting my condo, so I’m spending more time away, out of their way. Don’t want to accidentally find a paint brush in my hand. Classes are back in session so students are all over the place. Not sure if I’m getting more critical in my mature years or if the freshmen girls shorts are getting short. The correct answer is probably both! Have to ask if he’s watching something associated with a class or a movie he started last night? Anyway he’s relaxed.