Wisdom begins in seeing how much we do not know .
From the Past
This is from a trip I made to San Francisco back in October 2005. I flew out and stayed in a hostel in San Francisco and walked the streets. I processed this image using Silver EFEX Pro 2.
“Reading is like breathing in , writing is like breathing out . ” Pam Allyn
Open Spaces
I watched these clouds forming for several miles as I drove along Indian Route 13 on the Navajo Nation Reservation. I’m not sure the exact place I stopped but it just got the best of me. I had to stop. Couldn’t help myself. What beauty we are given in nature!
Again, It Was the Shadows
They tell me down here that they are liking this beginning of winter and the cooler temperatures. Yes the 65 degree mornings are nice but, man, it quickly gets up to 95. This Colorado lad has to rethink this. Since, I am somewhat intelligent, and please don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise, I try and get my walk in before 10:00 am. In doing so those shadows I discover are spectacular. So, again it was shadows I was seeing this morning.
“What is at the core of my work is, in essence, a mediation on being a human being.” – Eli Reed
- Art/Design, Black and White, Cityscapes/Urban, musings, Plants, quotes, shadows, trees, writing/reading
One Must Not Take Photos
“A photograph is neither taken or seized by force. It offers itself up. It is the photo that takes you. One must not take photos.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson
When someone sees me with a camera I am quite often asked if I have “taken” any good “pitchers” today. I find that difficult to answer. First, I carry a camera as if it is a part of me, a creative tool. I only compose and press the shutter button when an image appears. My belief in that grows more and more each day. One of my tasks in life is to have a camera with me and to be present and observe. I must see with my eyes and the eyes of my heart and soul. And, there are days when I never press my shutter button, most likly because I was not present.
Secondly, what I consider a good image may not be good to someone else. If Cartier-Bresson is correct then a photograph given to me has a purpose of nurturing my soul and change something within me. And for me the beauty of this is the desire to share some of these images with you, whether they are liked or not.
Thanks for listening. Monte
I like books. I have used them to enrich, entertain, nurture, guide, and enlighten my life. I’ve discovered favorite genres and authors. Even though I mostly read on an e-reader I still enjoy “feeling” my way through a book store or library. Prior to my seven year stint of flying I had a decent library. It is now down to 75 books or so. My library is now my e-reader as I carry it everywhere, just like my camera.