“Stepping into silence feels like I’m getting back to myself. Because from it I can find answers to life’s problems, creative ideas, and deep understanding.” Chelsey Brooks, The Pathfinder
Feeling restless yesterday evening, I drove out to one of the natural areas for a short 2.5 mile walk. I was greeted with a silence and a peacefulness I was not aware I so deeply needed. The sky had a different look and feel all afternoon because of the smoke from the Cameron Peak fire. It was eerie. I don’t expect today to be any different as this morning the eastern sun glows red, the smell of smoke fills my nostrils and I can watch the soot and ashes falling like snow.
Was not alone on my walk yesterday, I saw a few birds but they were not singing, silently darting in the smoke filled air. A lone mallard with reedy quacks called out from the pond. Everything was still, no wind, not a blade of grass moved. At that moment I realized I go to these sanctuaries because I can step into a place of silence. A silence that’s connected to nature, freeing me from the restlessness I felt earlier and getting back to myself. Unaware, I was listening to the voice whispering from within.