My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
As I walked into my bedroom I noticed these leaves on the brim of my fedora. It was a moment of surprise because I did not place them there. The must have fallen on my hat while outside. I wore them in without knowing and placed my hat on the dresser without them falling off. A wow moment. I like it when life gives me one of these moments of surprise.
Happy Sunday morning to you. Will have a busy day starting with laundry, lunch with my friend Dan and then meet up with Tom and Kathy Dills. Could be one of those days I eat too much. No hot dates scheduled, yet.
Very pleased to see a lot of blue sky this morning. The Cameron Peak fire is still burning but winds are sending the smoke north of us. Yesterday, a storm system brought gusty wind conditions from 15-30 mph which promoted fire activity. Today, firefighters will add depth and expand fire lines around the 237 mile perimeter. Windy conditions and possible thunderstorms today will serve as a test of existing firelines. That’s from the Inciweb report this morning.
Found these mushrooms outside Mugs at the Oval this morning. Knelt down for a couple shots, then felt my age as I stood back up. I sure ain’t as limber as I was last week. But, I’m confident there are enough young college kids around who would help an old man up.
Smoke hovers over the city
The foul smell of smoke, now choking
The amber color uninviting, otherworldly
So quiet, birds sing in silence or elsewhere
Despairing mood in this darkened world
Close my eyes, pray for a brighter day
Open my eyes, but nothing changed
I go for a mocha, stare at blank pages
I sit in the quiet, seek the light within
Wishing it will shine on this gloomy day
Now write words, they keep me in the present
Even in this blackness we do not give up hope
These are the leaves of a hops plant that was climbing up the wall at the apartment my sister and brother-in-law were renting in Lake Forest, Washington. The hop is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Although frequently referred to in American literature as the hops “vine”, it is technically a bine; unlike vines, which use tendrils, suckers, and other appendages for attaching themselves, bines have stout stems with stiff hairs to aid in climbing (Wikipedia). Anyway the leaves were stunning in details so I grabbed the camera.
This image of the Seattle skyline was taken near Alki Beach along Harbor Avenue. It is an indication of the type of weather we enjoyed in Seattle. There is no beach where I’m standing. The sandy beach is farther west but the traffic and people was terrible. Enjoy your Saturday.
Took this yesterday morning on campus. This morning it is cold at 27 degrees and cloudy. Now at a favorite coffeehouse and enjoying a mocha. Have a super Awesome day!
Standing passengers on public transportation hang on to handles, called strap-hangers. They intrigued me yesterday so I played around with different compositions and framing. There are now a few people who know I’m a bit insane and give me some distance. I’d like to share a story about one of the first times I began riding the bus. Forgive me if I’ve told this before.
One morning when getting on I found it packed with students on their way to campus. There was no room to sit so I had to stand, grabbing a strap-hanger. This nice young man, calling me “Sir”, offered me his seat. After declining the offer I began to think about the generosity and concern of his offer for this older guy. I realized how much older I was than 95% of the kids on the bus. I also noticed the cute young lady he was sitting next to. So, the next time I ever encounter the same or similar situation I just may take up the offer, especially if she’s cute.
This morning we have a full moon sitting just above the mountains to the west. In the east we have a radiant orange sky between the horizon and clouds. The day begins! I’m at Bindles on the hill looking out the east window over the Poudre River flowing in the valley below. Next to me is a mocha latte. Live is good!
This is an image of tall grasses, 3-5 feet tall, which are planted in a raised flowerbed. So probably a total of 7-8 feet tall. I have found myself just staring at this image for awhile because of the patterns they make silhouetted against the blue sky, puffy clouds and the starburst. It’s impact has come after pressing the shutter.What caused me to see this and then compose, frame and press the shutter? This is so simple but I just keep looking and thinking about it. It’s impact on me has come after pressing the shutter. It’s gotta be Cedric’s writings.