The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them.
Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island
… join the dance
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
Alan WattsI arrived four minutes before the coffee shop opened and stood outside. I watched and listened as the wind blew begging the trees to dance with her. Even in these unsettled times of our society and with the wind of change blowing, I stood there having a feeling of being settled and calm inside. I took a couple long steady breaths of prayer, raised my camera and took four images of the gently swaying trees. Shortly, my barista, Winter, opened the door and I entered to enjoy her mocha latte and the gift of my coffee life. And, I knew I was joining in the dance.
Gratitude Lists
A few years ago I began the practice of writing out a gratitude list. Usually the final paragraph in my journaling for the day. This morning my journaling began with a list of “what if” questions. What if people were to start making a gratitude list each day, making it a routine just like brushing our teeth? What if it consisted of just one gratitude for the day? How would our view of life change? Would we spend less on unnecessary stuff if we made such a list? What if we wrote it down, putting pen to paper, and not just let it rumble around in our head? I know from my own experience that I was prone to make a list of what I wanted rather than a list of what I already have. And, because of that I was seldom in a place of gratitude. I write gratitude lists.
Pen to Paper
as I put pen to paper
at a favorite coffee shop
sunlight slowly enters
through the window
spreading its warm glow
across blank pages
and in this spirit
words are written -
Ordinary Life Experiences
The most ordinary life experiences become transcendent when you offer them your reverent silence, your mischievous laughter, your sacred rage.
Mirabai StarrAnother frigid morning below zero, where my car groaned when I turned the ignition. Almost like it was saying, “Do you really want to do this?” Clear blue skies and sunshine now bring some warmth. My morning included quiet time, a breakfast scramble, then a trip to the coffee shop filled with wonderful conversations and a mocha. I did not journal until after I came home and began laundry. Some may consider my life dull, boring, ordinary but for me there is nothing ordinary about this life I live. My life is full as long as I stay present, my eyes open! I must admit I live the good life! I see that everyone is dealing with this cold weather so I hope you are staying warm.
Top of my Gratitude List
May the light of your soul guide you; May the light of your soul bless the work you do with the secret love and warmth of your heart; May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul; May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you and to those who see and receive your work; May your work never weary you; May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement…
John O’DonohueMy coffee life this morning had a special perk to it. I was pleased to see Emma at the coffee shop when I arrived. Let me tell you about it. So Adriana, in the background, is one of the current baristas, a full time student at CSU and a manager at Mugs. Emma, in the foreground, worked at Mugs for many years while a student at CSU. She now lives in Massachusetts after graduation and is in town for a visit. These two were roommates for several years and two of the most beautiful people on the earth. They both have made a lot of my mornings better by their presence, offering their smiles, their morning greetings and making my mocha lattes. My life has been enriched because of the gifts they are and I believe the world is richer because of their presence. Even though I am much older, they inspire me through the lives they live! I also consider them adopted granddaughters. They are at the top of my gratitude list! Even though I knew Emma was going to be here, it was still a wonderful surprise to see her. I’m still smiling!
I’m spoiled…
We are our thoughts; but we are at the same time much more than just our thoughts. We are also our feelings, our perceptions, our wisdom, our happiness and our love.
Thich Nhat HanhIt was a cold bicycle ride this morning to the coffee shop. The high humidity made it sink deep within. Yet a beautiful fog had moved in and I saw a half dozen snowflakes in my headlight. Snow is predicted for this afternoon. My barista was Meg. She greeted me with her beautiful smile and made me an Old Town Mocha (see above.) Life is good! There is no doubt, I’m spoiled! Stay warm.
Coffee with Eric
You know that the way of power and ownership, of “mine” and “yours” is just not a good way to live. It is a way of domination, and domination does not care for the weak or give voice to the voiceless. It seeks not to serve, but to be served. It causes life to be out of balance.
Kent Nerburn, Voices in the StonesOn Saturday mornings I either meet my friend Eric for coffee or we talk on the phone. It’s one of those 20 year relationships that keeps getting better. I drive by this lake on my way over to Windsor and back to meet him. This morning the blue was eye catching and you can just see the moon on the right side of the image. This lake is called Deadman Lake. There has to be some story behind the name but my Google search comes up blank.