• Candid Portraits,  coffee life

    Two kool people

    Adrianna and Curtis, two of my favorite people

    I don’t seem to get out on cold mornings like I have in the past. I attribute that to my wisdom in aging, some to my laziness, and some to the ease of venturing to a warm coffee shop, instead of standing beside a cold tripod in the wind. However, since getting back on a bicycle I am out in the cold on a regular basis as I pedal to my coffee life. Yes, a bit of a contradiction. It was 23° this morning when I left.

    Anyway, I took this image a couple weeks ago of Curtis and Adrianna. Curtis is one of the regular customers who used to work at Mugs and just graduated from CSU last week. Adrianna works at Mugs, a student at CSU and wears an assortment of hats: boss, manager, barista, student, and cat owner. They both are just all around kool people. This is an impromptu candid shot and I liked how it turned out.

  • coffee life,  People/Portraits,  Travel

    Christmas break

    Heading home

    Finals were this past week and graduations were going on most of the week and weekend. So this weekend was time for students to pack and head home for the Christmas break. There were large buses at the transit center both Saturday and Sunday taking students to the airport. So we saw a lot of scenes like this one at the coffee shop.

  • coffee life,  journal,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Living Their Own Lives

    I imagine my books to be my children, each with its own profile and way of walking through the world… It helps me remember that though they are made by me, they are not ultimately mine. They leave home, travel, have their own relationships, and leave their own impressions. I’ve learned it’s best to, as much as possible, stay out of the way and let them live their own lives.

    Ta-Nehisi Coates

    With all the turmoil in our country, and in the world, I have found it vital to spend time in the pages of my journals and on this blog. The words I write, as well as the books and blogs I read, are important to me and life sustaining. It may be one word or sentence that lifts me in a time of sadness, or brings some clarity to my confusion or the words someone else shares can express what I have been trying to say but couldn’t. How some of these books and blogs find their way into my life is a comfortable mystery. It’s not that I go looking for them but I try to be present so when they do show up in my life I can be nurtured by them. I like the metaphor that Coates suggests books are the authors’ children sent into the world to spend time with us in some impactful way. In that context I hope my words, whether written in my journals or on this blog, have some positive impact in this world, and living their own lives.

  • Candid Portraits,  coffee life,  People/Portraits

    Good luck, my friend!!

    This is Curtis, one of the irregulars at Mugs and actually worked for Mugs at one time. He’s an awesome young man with a beautiful soul which is why I like to hang with him. He graduates this month with a degree in Construction Management. He’s already had a couple of interviews for jobs that hopefully will pay him millions of dollars. I personally hope he finds a good job locally so I can still meet with him once in awhile and also so he can be close to his family. Good luck, my friend!!

  • Black and White,  Candid Portraits,  coffee life,  quotes,  writing/reading

    I promise you…

    Teachers and other adults too will tell you a lot of things you may argue with eventually – you may well have your own different ideas, and perhaps better ones. But about the importance of learning to write and read, easily and fluently, you will never argue. Such wonderful people will speak to you – to YOU – from the pages. Such adventures you will have through their telling, that you would never otherwise have! And all because the words on the page are not a puzzle but a door to many worlds. To write is delight, to read is to plant the seed of endless excitement. I promise you.

    Mary Oliver
  • coffee life,  quotes

    …their distinctive humanity

    It is not, I think, a question of when and how the white people will “free” the black and the red people. It is a condescension to believe that we have the power to do that. Until we have recognized in them the full strength and grace of their distinctive humanity we will be able to set no one free, for we will not be free ourselves. When we realize that they possess a knowledge for the lack of which we are incomplete and in pain, then the wound in our history will be healed. Then they will simply be free, among us—and so will we, among ourselves for the first time, and among them.

    Wendell Berry, The Hidden Wound, 1989

    Is his observation accurate? Do we want to see the wound in our history and have it healed? Do we want to be simply free? How deeply ingrained is this wound? These are truly questions each of us must answer individually and live accordingly. May you enjoy your Saturday!!

  • coffee life,  quotes,  shadows

    Our Character As a People

    I leave at O’dark-thirty tomorrow morning (4:05 am shuttle pickup) to spend a few days in Phoenix with my 95 year old dad and my sister and brother-in-law. We will celebrate Thanksgiving a week early and I will probably overeat. I’m not expecting to post anything until I get back on Sunday. We have had blue skies with scattered clouds but it’s been a cold, blustery day, which makes for a good day to stay inside and pack for the trip.

    I love the shadows

    What the government will or will not do is finally beside the point. If people do not have the government they want, then they will have a government that they must either change or endure. Finally, all the issues that I have discussed here are neither political nor economic, but moral and spiritual. What is at issue is our character as a people.

    Wendell Berry, The Hidden Wound

    The above quote is near the end of Wendell Berry’s book, called The Hidden Wound. Even though the book was written in 1989 this quote seems to aptly apply to our situation today. I’m not a believer in looking to a government, a new legislation, or some leader to make our social, political or economic situations better, although they can help. For several years our real issues in our society, its government, and I will include the world, are really moral and spiritual. He’s right: What is at issue is our character as a people. What is sad to me is that people do not want, or even know how, to look internally at their character. Or, worse yet, many have no idea what character means. It’s much easier to point a finger elsewhere. Anyway, I will be off line for a few days.