• coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

    Presence is wisdom!

    Journaling with a chai latte, while watching it snow outside

    Wisdom is precisely a different way of seeing and knowing the ten thousand things in a new way. I suggest that wisdom is precisely the freedom to be truly present to what is right in front of you. Presence is wisdom! Those who can be present will know what they need to know, and in a wisdom way.

    Richard Rohr

    It began snowing in earnest about 9:30 am, offering us big, beautiful moisture filled snowflakes. I met Jeff earlier for tea and conversation, then stopped by the Arboretum Coffee shop to journal for a while. The small chai latte was a perfect pairing with my journaling. This coffee shop is a nonprofit that is striving to “create a community where refugees and immigrants can rebuild their lives with dignity, gain essential skills, and form meaningful connections.” I come here because I want to support that ideal. So far my interaction with all these baristas has not given me a feeling of working with a criminal, the drug cartel or that I’m  in any danger. The only problem I’ve had is our language differences but that is improving! What’s cool about that is we don’t throw up our hands but keep at it until I get skim milk rather than whole. I’m finding my name is strange to them and love how they sometimes say it. If I remain open and willing to encounter wisdom, then these baristas have much to teach me, to enhance my life, and a chance to be present to each other. Seems there is more danger around the white privileged who think they think they know. I much prefer Rohr’s notion that wisdom is precisely a different way of seeing and knowing the ten thousand things in a new way. I want to be a seeker of wisdom.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  silence

    This morning…

    tired after a night of wrestling for sleep
    I settled into silence, prayer, and meditation

    ignoring the cold, I mounted my red steed for
    an invigorating bicycle ride to the arboretum

    then placed a latte made with love by Allie
    on a tabernacle at an east facing window

    with beams of sunlight enkindling blank pages
    I sought words hidden within a favorite fountain pen

  • coffee life,  coffee shops

    A New Book of Poetry

    This morning’s eastern sky offered a few scattered pink clouds on a light blue canvas for those of us who were awake at that hour. As the colors faded I made my way to the coffee shop where my barista, Emma, greeted me with a smile and made me a mocha, both bolstered the start of my day. I brought along a new poetry book to read, written by a retired professor from Colorado State University. So far I find his writing down to earth, easy to read and have had a wonderful belly laugh at a couple of his poems. He writes about the 50 plus years of farming and ranching he and his wife have enjoyed in northern Colorado. He seems to have some good things to say that many in our world need to hear, such as, “when working on something side by side (be it Fencelines or other things)… (our) differences tend to blend into similarities.” It also has some wonderful artwork in it! Enjoy your Friday and weekend!

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

    Working the Craft

    Photograph because you love doing it, because you absolutely have to do it, because the chief reward is going to be the process of doing it. Other rewards — recognition, financial remuneration — come to so few and are so fleeting. And even if you are somewhat successful, there will almost inevitably be stretches of time when you will be ignored, have little income, or — often — both. Certainly there are many other easier ways to make a living in this society. Take photography on as a passion, not a career.

    Alex Webb

    I had new business cards made. Well they’re not really business cards as I do not have a business. However, there are those times when people see me on the street with my camera and will ask if I’m a photographer. I tell them yes but I do not make a living at it, it is one of my passions. I hand them a card so they can see what I like to photograph and write about on my blog. The last set of cards lasted about 5 years. Shows you how seldom I hand them out. 

    I’ve noticed over the past few days how many photo opportunities I find when I take the bus to campus then walk on campus and in Old Town. They seem to be everywhere. Since I was in Old Town on Friday I figured I might as well stop in at Starry Night and have an Americano. It was about 9:30 am and they were busy. The din was up several decibels from what it usually is at 7:00 am. I did get in a few lines in my journal then headed home. On my way out I took a few photos of Amber working her craft, steaming milk while she pulls an espresso shot. A photo opportunity fulfilling a passion of mine!

    It is a cold morning with clear blue skies and sunshine. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  latte art

    Flat Tire

    I’m now sitting in a coffee shop across from the tire store. I had to change a flat tire this morning on my way to the natural area. So, I drove over here to get it fixed. Surprisingly this is the first flat on this car in the 11 years I’ve had it. No one to blame I tried to make a u-turn and ran up on the curb. Put a good sized hole in the tire and hope I did not destroy the rim. The mocha latte is good and I didn’t get my pants dirty. Not how I wanted to start this day but I’m adjusting. I needed to have new tires put on before winter and so now is probably the time to do it.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Depths of Meditation

    The truth is that we can venture into meditation only in our willingness to be, at times, perplexed. What is more, we must be willing to befriend our perplexity as a way of dying to our futile efforts to grasp the ungraspable depths that meditation invites us to discover.

    James Finley

    I’m heading out meet my daughter at a Greek restaurant and I’m assuming to over eat, again. Also, expecting rain later this afternoon. Let it begin.

  • Art,  coffee life,  coffee shops,  latte art,  musings,  writing/reading

    A “to-do” list

    I’ve noticed how several of my baristas, as well as other people, will often ask me what I have planned for my day. Some days that’s easy to answer because I do have a list of things. While other times that’s not as easy to answer because I have no to-do list. It got me to reflect on that what am I going “to be” today appeared more relevant than what I was going “to do.” So, in my journal I wrote answers to the question, What sort of human will you be today, Monte? My writings brought up some interesting thoughts. You can laugh at these, discount them, add to them or stop reading this post and get on with your day’s to-do list. Either way here is a short and incomplete list.  

    I want to be kind, loving, fully present, virtuous, reflective, forgiving, open minded, honest, prayerful, happy, my true self, caring, thankful, respectful, and a listener. I see that most of this list is my life lived through my attitude, intentions, and approach to life. Now the following list are roles that I can strive to do through my actions and efforts: to be a photographer, a writer, a creative, a student and the best son, brother, father, friend I can be. Seems it may be we need to be and do.

    There is no simple answer to this question except maybe “to be all that I can be”. Yet, I cannot be any of those without putting some action to them, which means a “to-do” list that includes how I approach living my life. Another good question to ask myself is if am I thinking about what I could do for others, what I could pack into the stream of life or am I just thinking of myself? Thanks for listening to my ramblings this morning, if you did.