• frost,  landscape,  quotes,  trees,  winter scenes

    Damn it’s cold!

    The contemplative discipline of meditation… doesn’t acquire anything. In that sense, and an important sense, it is not a technique but a surrendering of deeply imbedded resistances that allows the sacred within gradually to reveal itself as a simple, fundamental fact.

    Martin Laid

    This image was handheld when it was 7 degrees and with a slight breeze out of the northeast. Because of those two factors it is not sharp, probably true of more of my images than I want to admit, but I do like the feel of it. It shouts, “Damn it’s cold!” On the upside we are moving into a few days of warmer weather, reaching into the 60’s.

  • frost,  quotes,  winter scenes

    You are a living message

    Here is one way to look at yourself through spiritual eyes: you are a message. When you wonder what existence is all about, when you ask about your purpose in life, or when you feel small in comparison to the troubles of the world: remember that you are a message sent by the Spirit into creation. What you say, what you do, how you think and feel: your whole life is a long and sustained message for others to encounter, experience and receive. You are a living message: sent to touch more lives than you can imagine.

    Steven Charleston

    My car’s dashboard showed 2° as it grumbled to start this morning. But I was bound and termined to make my way to Mugs and support my baristas. Could be one of my purposes in life. This morning Winter was my barista, and a name fitting for this wintery day. I needed to be there, to share the message of how awesome she is and that I’m one of the many lives she touches. I was surprised how many people were at the coffee shop. They gotta be nuts to be here on a morning like this!!!!

    By 7:30 the blue skies and sunshine were a welcome sight. I stayed a little longer than normal, leaving about 9:30 am. I drove to the Reservoir Ridge Natural Area to experience the beauty of the wintery scene and capture a photograph or two of the snow and frost. It was a magical time! I wish people offered more nurturing messages like our natural world does. Yes, magical!

  • fog,  frost,  landscape,  winter scenes

    A Wintery Scene

    It was 13 degrees when I left the condo at about 6:47 am. No wind. No bicycle! It was cold enough I could blow off the dusting of snow covering my car. I could feel the peaceful stillness and quiet on this winter morning. I moved on to my coffee life at Mugs where my barista, Dean, made me an extra hot Old Town Mocha. It hit the spot. The coffee shop was rather quiet because of the cold morning. Only a few brave souls would be out on a morning like this. I was able to chat with a two of the brave souls, Jeff and Chris, then had some journaling time. My POD (Pen of the Day) is a Pilot Custom 823 with Yama-guri ink. It is a good combo to find words on blank pages.

    As I left the coffee shop the sun was beginning to break through the clouds, offering blue skies and sunshine on the frost covered trees of the foothills. So I drove home along Horsetooth Reservoir. Nature offered its wintery gifts of low lying clouds, mist rising and floating across the open water, frost covered trees and a touch of blue sky over the foothills. And more quiet! Back home I started laundry and will have a bowl of chili soup later today. May you have a wonderful Sunday! Stay warm!

  • frost,  leaves,  quotes

    The Morning’s Frost

    Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.

    Robin Wall Kimmerer

  • frost,  leaves

    A Cold Blanket of White Frost

    I took these images after leaving the coffee shop and heading to the transit center to catch the bus home yesterday. The sun was warming things up and much of the cold white blanket of frost was melting away. But not to worry because there is the promise of its return. I loved the patterns of the sunlight and shadows at the CSU Oval and felt the calling to walk among them. I soaked up the warm sunshine as I stood in it’s rays then felt the coolness when I stepped into the shadows. So shadows seemed to be the theme but there is always the need to post a few images of the white ice crystals clinging to those fallen leaves. You can click on the images below to see a larger image and slideshow.

    This morning is crisp with no frost and a magnificent cloudless sky. My drive to meet Eric for coffee was directly into that bright sun. So I’ve done a bit of squinting. Have a wonderful weekend!

  • frost,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Life is the subject

    With time, photographers learn that nearly everything within the frame looks different with a change of perspective. A move to the left or right, up or down, controls how elements in the frame relate to each other. The story changes, often dramatically, when we alter the angle from which we view it. A different lens, a different filter, and it changes again. The photographer with some experience understands that vision is not only what we see but how we see, and that’s as true with the camera in our hands as it is without it. In that way, life is not at all like a camera. Life is the subject.

    David DuChemin

    As we face another day of overcast skies and cold weather I thought I’d like to share another image that represents a feeling of the cold. Stay warm.

  • frost,  landscape,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Unlock the Artist

    At the heart of all photography is an urge to express our deepest personal feelings – to reveal our inner, hidden selves, to unlock the artist. Those of us who become photographers are never satisfied with just looking at someone else’s expression of something that is dear to us. We must produce our own images, instead of buying postcards and photo books. We seek to make our own statements of individuality.

    Galen Rowell
  • frost,  haiku,  landscape,  leaves,  Plants,  sunrises,  trees,  writing/reading

    A Bit of Frost

    sun rising in east
    a cold blue blanket of frost
    few leaves hanging on


    Cold morning, 19 degrees at 5:45 am. That’s too cold so I waited until it reached 21 then went outside for this photo of a cottonwood leaf with frost. Not the best but… Anyway, everything is pretty much shut down now in Larimer County as it is one the counties to go into Level Red due to high increase of cases and hospitals almost maxed out. Our two week positivity rate was 12%, so I guess you can say we graduated. Anything over 10% put us into that level. This means restrictions on numbers in businesses, churches, music events, etc. Most coffee shops and restaurants have no more indoor seating unless they go against the mandate. I am concerned about our small business owners and those who work for them.

    Hope you have a safe Thanksgiving Day!