• landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  quotes,  silence

    Art of Presence

    Prayer is the art of presence. Where there is no wonder there is little depth of presence.

    John O’Donohue

    I stood in wonder this morning at the scene before me. A silence surrounded me. With almost no wind I became aware of the stillness, the beauty, and the penetrating cold. I felt alive. There was a voice inside reminding me that I was an integral part of this world. And, my presence in this world is to love all of creation, to be anchored in justice and compassion, to accept our interconnectedness with all things, to listen and observe our natural world as a teacher, and that living life, being present with all its ups and downs, is a spiritual experience. So, if prayer is the art of presence, then I wish to practice this art of presence until my heart beats for the final time! I guess you can say even that is a prayer.

    If you enlarge this image of the frigid morning at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area you can faintly see the setting of the waning gibbous moon just to the right of center. Stay warm, be safe and pray.

  • landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  quotes,  sunsets

    December Sunset

    A winter sunset at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area – 12/20/2024

    The Great Work is spiritual at the core. Gus Speth, an environmental attorney, ecologist, and climate advocate, has summarized the problem brilliantly: “I used to think that top global environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, and climate change. . . . But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed, and apathy, and to deal with these we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.

    Victoria Loorz
  • horizons,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes,  storm clouds,  sunsets

    Storm Clouds

    Setting sun and storm clouds over the Colorado Front Range – June 2012

    There is nothing more beautiful than living a simple life in this complex universe!

    Mehmet Murat ildan

    I awoke to a dusting of snow and cold this morning. After my quiet time I checked the election results. I am unable to express the feelings I experienced at such a deep level within me. So, my task today, and maybe for some time, has been to journal in hopes of uncovering my feelings, thoughts, and the words to express them. At this moment I find it amazing to accept that in this divided nation I find myself a minority in my beliefs and values. I will do my best to continue to live a simple life, yet also be true to myself, my beliefs and my values. May all who can allow the love and light within them shine in our world, no matter the storm clouds on the horizon. And, may we all find inner peace.

    And, outside my window a cold wind blows indicative of our nations emotions.

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes,  silence

    Meaningful Silence

    No doubt about it, silence is the beginning of wisdom as it sorts and casts out, rethinks and reclaims, plans and proceeds so that you can become your true self. As someone once wrote, “A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words.”

    Joan Chittister

    I met my friend Eric for coffee this morning at a favorite place in Windsor. The coffee shop is a busy one and also loud. I would suspect some of it being meaningless words. The ambiance is not all that conducive to journaling or reading but I enjoy the conversation and time with Eric. I’m usually relieved to walk out the door to silence. On the way home I had a chance to stop and take in this view of the Rocky Mountains, a beautiful blue sky filled with wispy clouds, while enjoying the meaningful silence. I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  • landscape,  mountains,  nature,  quotes

    Learning to Listen

    Learning to pray is learning to listen. Within the heart we learn to wait with patience for God’s words, which may come even when we have not asked. Listening itself is a form of prayer, in which our whole being is receptive.

    Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

    I always thought that it would nice to live near a river and fall asleep each night listening to the song of the river. But that’s not the reality in my life. However, when given the opportunity I am learning to listen to the rivers and streams. If that’s prayer then so be it. This is an image of the Big Thompson River in Moraine Park in Rocky Mountain National Park taken back in May. Happy Monday!!