• landscape,  mountains,  quotes

    Another one… wait make that two

    I took this image on a ridge that looks out over an open space and a large farmland area that has not been scrapped and “developed” into housing. It shows we have two fires burning near us. The Alexander Mountain fire is on the left and the new one, Stone Canyon fire, is on the right. As of last night the Alexander fire was at 5080 acres and 0% contained. The Stone Canyon fire started yesterday and is about 1300 acres and 0% contained. Sadly there has been one death in the Stone Canyon fire. Neither fire grew during the night but today is going to be hot and dry. Then this morning I find out a third fire ignited last night in Jefferson County called the Quarry fire. Sheesh!! Stay safe.

    Evolution means that nature does not operate according to fixed laws but by the dynamic interplay of law, chance, and deep time; that is, one cannot understand natural processes apart from developmental categories. The interaction of forces creates a dynamic process of unfolding life, pointing to the fact that nature is incomplete; there are no fixed essences. Instead, nature is consistently oriented toward new and complex life.

    Ilia Delio
  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes,  sunsets


    Sunset near Ted’s Place along Hwy 287

    Usually when you listen to some statement, you hear it as a kind of echo of yourself. You are actually listening to your own opinion. If it agrees with your opinion, you may accept it, but if it does not, you will reject it or you may not really hear It. That is one danger when you listen to someone.

    Shunryu Suzuki: Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

    Happy 4th.

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  mountains

    This Love Thing

    I love landscapes. I love them because of the experience they offer. Experiencing the landscape, letting it touch me is different than looking at any photo, even when it’s my photo. Landscapes are visually and spiritually never the same. That’s true second by second, hour by hour, and day by day. Wind reshapes clouds constantly, the light changes colors, the weather can alter the hues and saturation within a few seconds, and blowing dust causes the light to change.

    And time alters the landscape as aging trees fall, or a flood creates a ravine that was not there last week. What does all this transformation of landscapes mean? What can I learn from watching and participating? I’m sure some get bored with landscapes. I wonder is that because we only glance at a scene rather than sit with them, letting them touch us at a deeper level? I find that when I don’t connect with a scene I can be out of touch with the reality of the world around me. Who knows, maybe the landscape is offering this love thing.

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  mountains,  sunsets

    Those Were Good Days

    I attended a friend’s retirement party this past week. On my way home I noticed the late afternoon clouds allowing the sun’s rays to stretch out over the water. Without much thought I pulled into the parking lot so I could take a photo. Wonderful memories of my youth ran through my mind. I lived about nine blocks south of this spot. So, I would ride my bicycle to this lake and fish for Crappie along this south bank. This side of the lake was lined with large rocks and cottonwood trees, whose roots reached into the water, providing a wonderful habitat for the fish.

    Late afternoon light over Lake Loveland

    Lake Loveland was created in 1893 out of a swampy depression known as Hays Lake. In early years, the primary purpose of the lake was irrigation for farming, but the majority of the lake is now owned by the City of Greeley who uses it for a domestic water source. The lake is fed by ditch waters diverted from the Big Thompson river. When full, Lake Loveland fills a basin of 475 acres with a deep-water depth mark of 39.45 feet. After loading the images onto my computer I felt a bit regretful not staying longer, letting more memories rise in my mind and soul. Those were good days.

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes

    Breaths of Prayer

    Every breath is a prayer

    Steven Charleston

    This is along Weld County Road 15 looking west. The mountains are in the far distance while the clouds give warning of the rain expected to arrive later in the night, which it did. Something positive happens to my spirit when I spend time in these sanctuaries. The chaos of the world does not leave but my internal chaos subsides. I change! And, so I set up my camera and take a few shots, then inhale and exhale breaths of prayer. Grateful!! Happy Monday!

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes

    Time at Watson Lake

    “The world is holy. We are holy. All life is holy. Daily prayers are delivered on the lips of breaking waves, the whisperings of grasses, the shimmering of leaves.”

    Terry Tempest Williams

    I spent some time this past week at Watson Lake for some quiet time and journaling. The wind blew, with a cold bite to it. I enjoyed the sound of waves pounding onto the shore. Things are greening up. The ponds, lakes and reservoirs are full, and snow sits atop the mountains in the higher elevations. All is a good sign for us. It was cloudy and cold this morning. Perfect weather to meet a friend for a spicy chai. The sun breaks through clouds and blue sky is our gift now. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Our Love for the World

    “If we can be fearless, and be with our pain, it turns. It doesn’t stay static. It only doesn’t change if we refuse to look at it. When we look at it, when we take it in our hands, when we can just be with it and keep breathing, then it turns. It turns to reveal its other face. And the other face of our pain for the world is our love for the world, our absolutely inseparable connectedness with all life.”

    Joanna Macy

    The morning I took this image the weather app said +19 degrees but my aging body felt like it was more like -19 degrees!! The number is insignificant as it was bitter cold for me on this March morning. The cold is more painful than in years past. However those blue skies, low lying clouds and sunshine called me to be fearless and venture out to Reservoir RIdge Natural Area. The experience was exhilarating both physically and spiritually. Yes, I do have a love for this world! More rain/snow possible in the morning with very high wind gusts of 80 mph. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes

    Amazing Clouds

    I was awaken earlier this morning with rain tapping on my bedroom window. And, more moisture coming later in the day. The temperature is in the mid 40’s but it feels colder with the high humidity. My weather app calls for a Winter Storm Watch until 6:oo am Friday morning. Snowfall of 4-9 inches with winds up to 50 mph is expected. I call that nasty! As you can see clouds are building up over the mountains this morning creating some dramatic scenes. We sure need the moisture! I met Mark for breakfast then stopped at Rigden Reservoir for images of the amazing clouds.

    “We must say of the universe that it is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects.”

    Thomas Berry