• clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  trees


    Three on the Horizon
    Three on the Horizon

    To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place…. I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. Elliott Erwitt

  • clouds,  flowers,  mountains

    Storm Clouds

    Storm Clouds in the West
    Storm Clouds in the West

    The weatherman was right. They predicted thunderstorms for yesterday afternoon and sure enough clouds  built up in the west over the mountains. It began to rain along the foothills then moved out  out to the east. I took the above image at the Cathy Fromme Nature Area then drove out east in anticipation of some good clouds. But I watched the storm build up and obscure the mountains with a refreshing half inch rain. And the plants are loving it. It was all good and the weatherman was right.

    Blue Flowers
    Blue Flowers


  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  snow

    Rist Canyon

    Storm Clouds
    Storm Clouds

    On June 9, 2013 the High Park Fire began and was not declared under control until June 30, 2013. It was the third largest fire in Colorado history and devestated much of the community. Only one life was lost but a several homes were lost.

    Part of the fire moved through the Rist Canyon area. This narrow canyon road goes to Stove Praire and rises in elevation of about 3500 feet. I enjoy the twisty ride up the canyon, stopping whenever I feel like it to enjoy the vistas and the canyon. I used to ride the motorcycle up there. Needing more time away from the noise of the city I took a drive up the canyon.

    Snow still on the ground
    Snow still on the ground

    Your heart shall find peace, when it lets go of the attachment it has to things, that do not serve purpose to the soul.

    Just before starting the the steepest climb to the top I encountered snow, lots more than I expected. Even with the temperatures in the mid to high 40’s it takes a while for the snow to melt at this altitude. The plus side is the moisture it brings and is showing in the green grass.

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  sunsets,  trees

    Visiting Four Friends

    One of my four friends
    One of my four friends

    I drove out to County Road 15 to visit my four tree friends I hadn’t seen in several months and I was hoping to watch a sunset with them. My ulterior motive was because I needed to get out of town and listen to some quiet. With very little wind made for even more quiet to take in. Some friends or the trees, Meadowlarks, were putting on a beautiful concert for us and filled me with some of that joyful stuff and giving me goose bumps. My four friends sit along the road in an unplowed field. One is right along the road and the others sit off a short distance. Along with them are a couple of large clumps of bushes. I need to find out what kind they are.

    I’m not sure who told them I was out there but I was blessed with more visitors than just the trees and Meadowlarks. Two large formations of honking Canada Geese flew over and added to the concert. A Red-tailed Hawk stopped by, perched its self on a telephone pole and kept an eye on me. Using my binoculars I watched a great Horned owl fly from one of the trees to a telephone pole before taking off to the north. It must have been dinner time for those guys (gals). A white-tailed deer stopped as she crossed the road to check me out then bounded over the fence. I assume she went to tell someone about the strange dude. Fifteen minutes after the sun set behind the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains the sky began to take on slightly orange glow then pink and then turned bright red. We had our colorful Colorado sunset.

    Front Range Sunset
    Front Range Sunset

    It was a good evening. I enjoyed seeing my four friends. I enjoyed the concert. I enjoyed the sunset and felt it was all well worth my time and money. I’m glad I left when I did because as I drove away the fragrance of skunk began to drift in my window. Those were visitors I did not want to encounter. 🙂

  • landscape,  mountains

    Time on the River


    The Artist
    The Artist

    Time in nature can be for healing and calming the soul. While on my drive up the Poudre Canyon the other day I came across two people who were finding time in nature, one and artist and one a fly fisherman.

    photocrati gallery


  • architecture,  clouds,  Documentary/Street,  landscape,  mountains,  National Parks,  Rocky Mountain National Park

    Estes Park and RMNP

    This is a small park area along the river.
    This is a small park area along the river.

    I decided to make a drive up to Estes Park yesterday. My intent was to grab a coffee and sit along the river to read and write. The thought crossed my mind to maybe have lunch before coming back. I ended up driving up to Trail Ridge Road. What a glorious day to make that drive. Last Fall Estes Park had a flood come through the town and wiped out most of it. Here are a few images. The city is built along the banks for the Big Thompson River and has been a tourist attraction for years. I am amazed at how well it looked. Lunch was probably the best turkey/bacon wrap with a pesto sauce to die for.