My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
tracks in the snow letting us all know a cottontail was here
Another cold morning and expecting another cold night and into the morning. Slept like a baby with the extra blanket on top. We are now up to -1 degree with sunshine and clear blue skies. Very beautiful! I love my wool socks! Stay warm and dry. Happy Monday.
Most people don’t look… the gaze that pierces – few have it – what does the gaze pierce? The question mark.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
It was -8 degrees at 6:30 am. That’s too dang cold. Wearing wool socks, two pair. Made a French press but it was cold before the first sip. And, it’s snowed. It may sound like I’m whining because I am. I also have an attitude! Our countries unrest doesn’t help the attitude. The thought crosses my mind to sell my condo and move south. Whining! So, about 9:30, after it had warmed up to -4 degrees, I headed to the natural area. Needed time in the sanctuary of nature as it’s therapy for this negative thinking I find myself in. I needed to gaze at the world around me rather than the four walls of my condo or the prison of my thinking. Found the parking area empty, fresh snow and shadows as the sun began to break through. I immediately began to feel better!
A friend sent me a short reading that reminded me of the value of beginning our day with gratitude. I realized that sure wasn’t how I began today. So, I restarted my day with a gratitude list in my journal. Beginning to feel even better but still cold.
It was in the mid 30’s when I took this image of the rider at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area this afternoon. As you can tell a little snow and cold does not stop the avid bicyclist in Colorado. They gear up just as you would for skiing or snowmobiling. This guy was on one of those fat tire bikes, with those massive tires for snow. Shortly after taking this image the sun poked its head out, gave me shadows in the snow and made me smile.
Had a good night’s sleep but woke up too late to catch the sunrise so you’ll have to settle for this sunset at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area. We had a dusting of snow on Sunday morning then cleared up by noon. Monday evening a light, gentle, silent snow began and did not stop until this morning. The sun came out mid morning but left us with an inch of snow. The mountains got much more so skiers are probably happy dancing. It was cold this morning at 9 degrees but warmed up to 23 when I took this image at 4:30 pm. I had a nice quiet time as I sat in my car and journaled, the sun bearing down on me and keeping me warm. After writing I took a short walk before the sun set which is when this image was taken. When the sun sets this time of the year it gets cold quickly.
UCHealth contacted me and I’m scheduled to have my first COVID-19 vaccine this coming Saturday morning and the second one on February 20th. They sent me an email letting me know I could sign up for the vaccine. So I went on line and chose the first opening. I was quite surprised to be notified, figuring I would have to get on some long waiting list.
Awoke to overcast skies and a dusting of snow this cold Sunday morning. I watched this man walk the snowwhite trail while his dog roamed everywhere except the trail or at least as far as the leash would allow. I do believe the dog was enjoying the snow more than the man. Now back home where it’s a bit warmer and enjoying a two-egg scramble for breakfast.
Had my two year check up with my cardiologist this morning and the heart is doing well. I had a cute nurse taking my blood pressure so my heart rate was up for a short period. Doc thinks that’s a good thing! Blood pressure is good. I did put on some weight since my physical in June but he did not mention that. That’s my fault and I know what to do about that. He asked me to get on the list for the vaccine. So, I plan on getting my name on the list.
The wind howled all night. Heard a few things blowing down the street last night as patio chairs, trash cans and other stuff were headed to Kansas. They had a few semis overturned yesterday from the high wind gusts which is typical along the front range. It’s still blowing this morning so we’ll consider it a bad hair day. Stay warm and safe!
“I dream of a world where the truth is what shapes people’s politics, rather than politics shaping what people think is true…”
Neil deGrasse Tyson
It is Wednesday evening. We have had overcast skies throughout the day, metaphor for the feel of our country’s woundedness. The wind has picked up and will blow into Friday with gusts up to 70 mph. Another metaphor for our troubling times. Sometimes we live in our heads more than in the world and therefore what we think we think we know, just ain’t so. Time for all of us to stay planted in our shoes. It’s the only place we can live.