• clouds,  landscape,  poems,  silence,  sunsets

    be the love…

    Today I will conjure love from the empty air.
    I will call it out from thin places
    Where people walk without breathing
    From dark places where they stumble without seeing.
    I will find love in those I do not like
    And let love appear in the faces I avoid.
    I will make room for love in my life
    Even if I feel overcrowded with worry.
    I will offer love without restraint
    Even if I have not received love in return.
    I will dance with love in innocent pleasure.
    I will sing love as though love were a new discovery.
    Today I will be the love Spirit made me be
    When Spirit loved me from the empty air.

    Steven Charleston
  • landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  snow,  sunsets

    The Heart of Reality

    January 2022

    I am continually challenged to stop arguing with reality and instead soften into what is. Over time, I learned to find beauty, meaning, and wholeness in the heart of reality. Unpredictable, ever-changing, humiliating, and humbling reality.

    Mirabai Starr

    It began snowing last night and is still snowing as I write this evening. We do not have much accumulation, 3-6 inches, but roads are messy and slick. Morning will probably be worse. I met friends earlier this morning for brunch and have been inside the rest of the day. I am wrapped in a blanket and curled up in a cozy chair with a cup of hot tea. A day of reading, journaling, and grazing. That is the reality of my life. Stay warm and I hope you had a good day!

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  silence,  sunsets

    Stocked with chocolate…

    Colorado sunset – March 2020

    If we listen from the mind of silence, every birdsong and every whispering of the pine branches in the wind will speak to us.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    I had an enjoyable bicycle ride to coffee but had to face a stiff wind on the way home as a cold front moves in. Snow expected later today and into the night with frigid temperatures over the next few day. Looks very similar to the whole nations forecast. Stay warm, stock the fire and enjoy the weekend. And, make sure your stocked with chocolate!

    And today is special because my dad is celebrating his 96th birthday!! I love you! ❤️

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunsets


    Colorado sunset at Arapaho Bend Natural Area – January 2025

    The human soul is hungry for beauty; we seek it everywhere – in landscape, music, art, clothes, furniture, gardening, companionship, love, religion and in ourselves. No-one would desire not to be beautiful. When we experience the Beautiful, there is a sense of homecoming. Some of our most wonderful memories are of beautiful places where we felt immediately at home. We feel most alive in the presence of the Beautiful for it meets the needs of our soul.

    John O’Donohue

    They say the perception of beauty is subjective – people can have differing opinions on what is beautiful. So what one person perceives as beautiful might be ordinary or unappealing to another. I would also add that perception changes as we change. The beauty I see today is different than what I saw 10, 20, 30 years ago. It’s a gift to see beauty in so many things but what sets Beauty apart for me is the experience of being present to it! And, in many ways feeding my soul.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  nature,  quotes,  sunsets

    Time Well Spent!

    A waxing crescent moon at sunset from the Cathy Fromme Nature Area – 1/3/2024

    “…some changes happen deep down inside of you. And the truth is, only you know about them. Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

    Judy Blume

    I can find myself in a funk, or drifting into one, every once in a while. When that happens I need something to lift my spirits besides sitting at home reading a book or journaling so I opted for time at Cathy Fromme Prairie Nature Area and let the quiet touch my soul. Nature threw up a few clouds against the sky, offered a warm golden glow on the horizon and hung a thin waxing crescent moon above. Even though I felt the cold it was time well spent. For me, each time I enter into the presence of nature there can be a change within me: mind, body, heart and attitude. Some may notice a change in me while others will have no clue. The important thing is that I do. It’s time well spent! 

  • clouds,  landscape,  sunsets

    Make ripples…

    Yesterday’s sunset over Longs Peak from Arapaho Bend Natural Area

    “This is how you change the world, the smallest circles first… That humble energy, the kind that says, ‘I will do what I can do right now in my own small way,’ creates a ripple effect on the world.”

    Richard Wagamese

    I’m now at Mugs. It’s another wintery morning here, 31 degrees and a dusting of snow blows in the wind. Adrianna is my barista! She made me an extra hot Old Town mocha! Just writing that brings a smile to my face. 😀 It’s good to remind her the effect she has on my life. It’s the small things that change the world. So maybe the message today is to make some ripples!

  • desert,  landscape,  quotes,  silence,  sunsets


    Sunset along Peralta Trail, Arizona – November 2003

    Not sure about you but so far the year has run rather smoothly. We’ll see what day two brings. This morning we had clear blue skies, sunshine and cold. Pretty much what a January day is in Colorado. I rode my bicycle to coffee this morning and took the long cut home. Good start to my day! I have a crockpot of cabbage and sausage cooking. This afternoon we have had soft white clouds floating across an azure blue sky.

    My whole silence is full of prayer.

    Thomas Merton

    Silence has become a gift in my life over the past 10 years. I have adjusted to living a single life and its freedom. Living alone allows silence to become a prominent part of my day. Because of the silence in my life I find the noise of the world disturbing and annoying. There are few places, if any, where there is not some impact of sound by man’s machines. I am learning in my practice of prayer and meditation to allow them to become a distant hum. I like to believe it’s at those moments that I am in prayer. When I can do the same in a coffee shop I also consider that silence to be prayer.

    This image was taken along the Peralta Trail east of Phoenix with a Nikon D100 and Nikon 24-85mm f2.8-4.0, at 1/6 second, f16, ISO 200.

  • landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  quotes,  sunsets

    December Sunset

    A winter sunset at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area – 12/20/2024

    The Great Work is spiritual at the core. Gus Speth, an environmental attorney, ecologist, and climate advocate, has summarized the problem brilliantly: “I used to think that top global environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, and climate change. . . . But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed, and apathy, and to deal with these we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.

    Victoria Loorz