• Metro Parks,  quotes,  snow,  trees

    Our Individuality

    A morning walk after a light snowfall at Blendon Woods (Ohio) – 2009

    “Really all we have to offer the world is the gift of our individuality. We can never be just like any other person. Our journey through life is an extremely personal contribution to the work of being human.”

    Jane Reichhold

    It’s Christmas Eve. Weather app suggested snow overnight but we awoke to overcast skies and a cold north wind but no snow. After my quiet-time I made my way to Mugs in Old Town for some journaling and a mocha. Met a young woman who is an artist and storyteller. I truly do like her work and the idea of storytelling. Her website is called Twelve Little Tales. Faye you may want to checkout some of her watercolors.

    What struck me about her was the passion she had for her art, and storytelling, and her energy to offer her gifts to the world. She epitomizes what Jane Reichhold says in her quote. She illustrates the individuality we are all given, our passion, that spark to create and give to this world. I found it exciting! When we choose to not be like other people and are able to let go of the voices of society attempting to tell us what and who are, let go of our self-doubts and fears, we find the gift of our individuality. Thank you Marna for sharing your gifts!

    The above image was taken in 2009 while I was living briefly in Columbus, Ohio. I was blessed to live near a wonderful area that was a part of the Metro Parks in Columbus called Blendon Woods. Hoping you all have a wonderful Christmas with family!!! 🌲 🎅 Not sure about you but it’s now time to binge on food.

  • Mary Oliver,  Metro Parks,  quotes

    That Slow Seduction

    Blendon Woods – May 2009

    I could not be a poet without the natural world. Someone else could. But not me. For me the door to the woods is the door to the temple.

    Mary Oliver

    I’m rather new to poetry, in both reading and writing. Primarily because I did not understand it, nor did I put the effort into learning what it was about and what it could teach me. It just wasn’t time yet in my life. Now it is. Some of that slow seduction could be spending more quality time in the natural world, or as Mary suggests the temple. I like how Maria Popova says it here. Having said that I want to thank all of you who read and maybe even understand my attempts at writing poetry. But not today!

  • fall season,  leaves,  Metro Parks,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons

    Sometimes They’re Even Good!

    Leaves found on a walk at Blendon Woods Metro Park – 2011

    While I often try to anticipate those things that may occur in my little world, there’s always a surprise or two, and sometimes they’re even good!

    Earl Moore

    Wanted to share these words of wisdom from a comment our friend Earl made on one of my posts. He is referring to surprises in life, those wanted and not wanted. I am currently finding surprises in my life that at first seem unwanted but in some ways have turned out to be good. He has reminded me of that. His words also reminded me of the fondness I have for those surprises we can find in our photography. For me they happen most often when I venture out in nature with my camera, open to what my heart can see and accept. While living in Ohio for two and a half years I was able to experience trees and plants I was not familiar with. I loved what I was seeing and experiencing for the first time. As I reflect back it was on these walks when I first began to ask the questions: What surprise is nature going to offer me today? What will I expect and accept? You never know, sometimes they’re even good!

  • Cactus,  Humor,  Metro Parks,  Plants

    …pushing the sand button.


    Horsing around yesterday and decided to send a silly test message to my family and friends. Thought maybe it could bring a smile to their day and maybe yours.

    “With all the isolation staff goingon,, Ive been texting a lot more and I’ve noticed the fallowing. Sendin text messengers require the need to reed them very carefuly, more than ounce., checking for any and ale erors before pushing the sand button.”

  • Creativity,  Dewdrops,  landscape,  leaves,  Metro Parks,  natural areas,  Plants,  quotes

    Growth in my Photography

    Morning dew on the leaves at Inniswood Gardens

    “I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” 

    Rainer Maria Rilke

    While living in the Westerville, Ohio area I was exposed to nature areas that were so different from my home state of Colorado. I was enthralled with all the green, the insects , the soft diffused light and the amount of rain. I was not used to all the rain and for sure had to adjust to the overcast skies. I cans still in my memory recall the distinct fragrance these forested areas offered, telling me how alive they were.

    At the time I was traveling 3-4 days then home for 3-4 days. These extended days off gave me the opportunity to explore the Metro Parks in around the Westerville area. I found two  parks within about 10 minutes of my apartment so I ventured into those worlds on regular basis. One was Inniswood Gardens and the other was Blendon Woods. And, the days I was traveling were opportunities to explore new cities, peoples, cultures and almost unlimited photo opportunities. It was during this time I feel I began to grow emotionally and spiritually which in turn allowed my view of the world to grow. And, this emotional and spiritual growth was the seed to the growth of my photography. 

  • Avian,  Metro Parks

    Can You Find Them?

    A Few Birds
    A Few Birds

    I know it’s a busy image but wait. I took his image a few years ago at the Blendon Woods Metro Park in Gahanna, Ohio. They have nature center for children (that’s us) with a viewing area for birds where they have placed feeders. I would sit along the windows, elbows on the shelf  and just watch. There are a total of 6 cardinals and one sparrow in the image. Can you find them?

  • insects,  Metro Parks,  Plants

    Pay Attention to the Urge

    Green Leaves and Rain
    Green Leaves and Rain

    I’m not sure how it happened. I was working through some images from 2009 taken at Inniswood Gardens when I discovered these two images. It seems I did very little with them at the time and most likely because I had shot a lot of images that day. It was a cloudy, overcast day with light rain and I’m in this beautiful garden, why not. For some reason I found the only keyword I had entered for either of these images was Inniswood Gardens. There was no keyword for dragonfly or plants or leaves or rain. Nothing. How the heck am I suppose to find them without keywords, unless I’m just browsing? I suspect slothfulness or skipped them because other images were more appealing to me. I could have skipped the dragonfly because it is a bit out of focus.

    A Dragonfly
    I think this a Clubtail Dragonfly. Forgot to ask when I took the photo.

    However, this time around they caught my eye. They also reminded me of those rainy, overcast days that provided such wonderfully diffused light while I lived in Ohio. It also reminded me of how often I came home with wet pants (from the knee down) when it was raining or just rained. I played with them a little, and for my taste, I like the way these two images turned out. My post processing included exposure, tone and contrast. Pretty simple actually. Why I did not play with these five years ago, I don’t know. But, five years ago something within urged me to press that shutter button. I must pay more attention to the urge.

    Delicate Flowers
    Delicate Flowers

    Oh, and these flowers? Well, I’m going to throw them in because I have the urge too. 🙂

  • landscape,  Metro Parks

    Don’t Ask …

    A Cold January Afternoon

    … me what I was doing out in Blendon Woods Park Yesterday afternoon when the temperature never rose above 20 degrees. I suspect it could have been a case of stir-crazy or insanity. Anyway, I took a short walk, long enough to get my hands and  feet cold and my heart rate up. However, I did like one image I took facing the late afternoon sun using a large aperture for the starburst effect.

    I have more packing to do today then ship a couple of boxes back to Colorado. The less I have in the car the easier it will be on me.