• Black and White,  Candid Portraits,  music,  People/Portraits

    Friday Night Art Walk

    First Friday Art Walk is a monthly self-guided walking tour that celebrates creativity, culture, and community in Downtown Fort Collins on the first Friday of each month from 6 – 9 pm. From fine to funky, First Friday Art Walk showcases a spectrum of artistic styles to entertain and engage amateurs and art aficionado of all ages, interests and backgrounds. The website says 22 venues partake in it. Some are art galleries serving snacks, drinks and musicians and some are the local bars. This past Friday I made a trip down to Old Town because my friend Don Thurn was playing. In this image he is playing Starry, Starry Night by Don McClean at the Walnut Creek.

    This store is a great place to buy and sell unique jewelry, repurposed furniture, boutique clothing, vintage goods and a plethora of other knick-knacks and handcrafted gifts, representing about 80 local artists. If you can think of it I bet you could find in there. 🙂

  • Black and White,  Candid Portraits,  Documentary/Street,  music,  People/Portraits,  quotes

    A Little Jazz Music

    The music is in His Soul
    Jazz musician near Bourbon Street in New Orleans

    “More photographs of beautiful moments have been lost by looking at our cameras than will ever be lost to missed focus or poor exposure.” David duChemin

    I took this image of the musician near Bourbon Street in New Orleans back in 2008 while I was still flying (working). There were perks with that job and one was the photographic opportunities offered on the longer overnights. 

    Through those long overnights my interest in street and documentary photography was discovered. My camera equipment changed as the smaller mirror-less gear was more to my liking and much easier to travel with. The “decisive moment” began to take on more importance, knowing I could not come back and retake an image if I missed it.

  • Documentary/Street,  music

    Tickling the Ivory

    Street Musican in Old Town
    Street Musican in Old Town

    This past week I encountered three young people in Old Town enjoying a jam session. One young man was on the piano and the other two were playing guitars and singing. I just stood there and listened to their music with no intent to shoot. I finally took five shots then moved on. This image reminds me of Johnny Hahn who has played the piano at Pikes Market in Seattle for years. We need artists like this in our world who work at their craft for the love of it not the popularity and money.

  • Documentary/Street,  music

    Street Musicians

    Street Musicians
    Street Musicians

    Had a chance to roam the streets of downtown Durango, Colorado last week looking for a place to eat. Ended up with a piece of pizza the size of a large pizza. 🙂 I encountered these musicians playing some foot stomping bluegrass music. No way I could not stop watch and enjoy. A lot has been happening in my camp the past week and I’ll share that in an upcoming post. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • architecture,  music

    The Studio

    The Studio

    I’m not musically inclined except in my imagination or in the shower and there is no need to prove it, just take my word for it. However, some people are musically inclined, they practice the craft and bring enjoyment to people. This image was taken at some friends home back in 2005. I liked how the room was set up and the light so I took several images. They have sat dormant until today when they caught my attention. Surprisingly I took 36 images but when post processing them I did very little. I converted one to black and white then left them alone. Again, this is another example of how we can be attracted to a scene, take the images and then later on be inspired to work on them. Anyway, here’s the studio.

    I’m off to the mountains to help a friend shoot a wedding today, near Estes Park. It will be a long day. Enjoy your Saturday.