• landscape,  Self-portraits,  sunsets

    Another tool on this spiritual journey

    I pushed the order button on March 2nd for a beginners Native American Style flute, also called a Love flute. I could give you a list of reasons for justifications but it had more to do with impulse than anything else. I have always connected to the sound of Native American flutes. It’s not a loud instrument, does not require a battery or power outlet, has little maintenance, you don’t need to read music, and you can easily take it anywhere. I have never played a wind instrument in my life so this is my first. And, I quickly discovered I wanted a flute made by the hand of a craftsman and out of wood. Some are beautiful works of art and some are simple works of art. I chose a simple work of art and one designed for a beginner.

    Danja portrait

    While taking sunset photos and selfies of me practicing on my Native American flute on Thursday evening, I met a wedding photographer, Danja, who was shooting a young couple’s engagement photos near me. Afterwards, they thanked me for serenading them while they did their photos. I was surprised by their comment because I’m not sure I would call what they heard as serenading. It was more about trying to keep all squawks, squeaks and whistles to a minimum. Then Danja asked if she could take a photo of me playing the flute. The top image is what she sent me the next morning. Thank you for the image, Danja!!


    I’ve discovered online lessons and courses through youtube and a couple of websites to help me along this journey. I’m taking one online course now. As you know I enjoy spending time in the natural areas and I can think of no better place to play a Native American flute than in nature. I’m finding these locations are ideal to practice learning how the flute and I can make music together. I’m 74 years old and do not know when I will take my last heartbeat. So it seems reasonable to give this some good old discipline, practice, and be both patient and gentle with myself. I plan on carrying it when I ride the bicycle along the trails, stopping when I find a secluded area and play. My hope is for the flute to be another tool on this spiritual journey I’m traveling.

  • coffee life,  People/Portraits,  quotes

    Top of my Gratitude List

    Adriana and Emma

    May the light of your soul guide you; May the light of your soul bless the work you do with the secret love and warmth of your heart; May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul; May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you and to those who see and receive your work; May your work never weary you; May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement…

    John O’Donohue

    My coffee life this morning had a special perk to it. I was pleased to see Emma at the coffee shop when I arrived. Let me tell you about it. So Adriana, in the background, is one of the current baristas, a full time student at CSU and a manager at Mugs. Emma, in the foreground, worked at Mugs for many years while a student at CSU. She now lives in Massachusetts after graduation and is in town for a visit. These two were roommates for several years and two of the most beautiful people on the earth. They both have made a lot of my mornings better by their presence, offering their smiles, their morning greetings and making my mocha lattes. My life has been enriched because of the gifts they are and I believe the world is richer because of their presence. Even though I am much older, they inspire me through the lives they live! I also consider them adopted granddaughters. They are at the top of my gratitude list! Even though I knew Emma was going to be here, it was still a wonderful surprise to see her. I’m still smiling!

  • Candid Portraits,  coffee life

    Two kool people

    Adrianna and Curtis, two of my favorite people

    I don’t seem to get out on cold mornings like I have in the past. I attribute that to my wisdom in aging, some to my laziness, and some to the ease of venturing to a warm coffee shop, instead of standing beside a cold tripod in the wind. However, since getting back on a bicycle I am out in the cold on a regular basis as I pedal to my coffee life. Yes, a bit of a contradiction. It was 23° this morning when I left.

    Anyway, I took this image a couple weeks ago of Curtis and Adrianna. Curtis is one of the regular customers who used to work at Mugs and just graduated from CSU last week. Adrianna works at Mugs, a student at CSU and wears an assortment of hats: boss, manager, barista, student, and cat owner. They both are just all around kool people. This is an impromptu candid shot and I liked how it turned out.

  • coffee life,  People/Portraits,  Travel

    Christmas break

    Heading home

    Finals were this past week and graduations were going on most of the week and weekend. So this weekend was time for students to pack and head home for the Christmas break. There were large buses at the transit center both Saturday and Sunday taking students to the airport. So we saw a lot of scenes like this one at the coffee shop.

  • Candid Portraits,  coffee life,  People/Portraits

    Good luck, my friend!!

    This is Curtis, one of the irregulars at Mugs and actually worked for Mugs at one time. He’s an awesome young man with a beautiful soul which is why I like to hang with him. He graduates this month with a degree in Construction Management. He’s already had a couple of interviews for jobs that hopefully will pay him millions of dollars. I personally hope he finds a good job locally so I can still meet with him once in awhile and also so he can be close to his family. Good luck, my friend!!

  • Black and White,  Candid Portraits,  coffee life,  quotes,  writing/reading

    I promise you…

    Teachers and other adults too will tell you a lot of things you may argue with eventually – you may well have your own different ideas, and perhaps better ones. But about the importance of learning to write and read, easily and fluently, you will never argue. Such wonderful people will speak to you – to YOU – from the pages. Such adventures you will have through their telling, that you would never otherwise have! And all because the words on the page are not a puzzle but a door to many worlds. To write is delight, to read is to plant the seed of endless excitement. I promise you.

    Mary Oliver
  • Candid Portraits,  Family,  Travel

    I’m back

    My dad, who will be 96 in January

    I arrived home Sunday afternoon about 2:30 pm. We had mechanical problems on the flight out to Phoenix on Wednesday and needed to return to the gate. That delayed us by an hour and a half. The trip back was smooth except for turbulence coming into Denver.

    I enjoyed my visit with my dad, my sister and brother-in-law. I ate more sweets than I have in a while and have no one to blame but me. I felt my pants had shrunk by the time I got back on the plane. But my wise father suggested it was due to altitude changes, having nothing to due with eating two pieces of my sisters Lemon Meringue pie, or a piece of chocolate cream pie, or two sugar cookies each with a quarter inch of frosting, not to mention the turkey, ham, beef brisket or any of the other trimmings …..

    Today is a rest day. I like this photo of my dad as he has that mischievous look.

  • Candid Portraits,  Family,  Portraits

    Thursday’s Lunch


    Yesterday morning began with overcast skies, a heavy fog and a light mist. I was able to take a few images of some of the weather conditions but my favorite image of the day was yet to come. My oldest daughter and I had scheduled to meet for lunch a couple weeks ago. By the time we met for lunch the clouds had begun to break up and sunlight would peak in and out. We were able to have a table near a window and talk about our enjoyment of the fall season. After lunch we enjoyed a latte, rather than a dessert, and continued our conversation. I could not help but notice the diffused light from the window as it accentuated how beautiful a woman she is. So, I asked if I could take her photo and now proudly share it with you.