• Candid Portraits,  People/Portraits

    The Cool Dude
    The Cool Dude

    Met my friend Larry for lunch this past week and, yes I have two of them. Larry has been into photography for many years with a love for film photography. Needless to say lunch lasted a good three hours. He was given a digital camera but prefers to use his 4×5 or 8×10 on a tripod that weights as much as his car. He does pull out his phone camera and take a quick snap shot every once in a while (new granddaughter). He took this image while playing with my X-E1 and using the Velvia film simulation. It’s straight out of the camera.


  • Candid Portraits,  Documentary/Street,  People/Portraits


    Reading Her Book
    Reading Her Book

    I would venture to say many of us could use some improvement on our patience. I think aging has improved my ability to wait patiently more. Life does not need to be rushed as much as I think it used to. I could take a lesson from this woman as she patiently waits and reads. You can also note she came prepared, which helps.

  • Candid Portraits,  Documentary/Street

    Riding the Bus

    Riding the Bus

    I have been using the city’s bus system to save fuel and because it can offer interesting photo opportunities. The city also offers seniors a discount at $25 for a year of unlimited rides. I bought one and plan to use it. I don’t think it takes any longer unless I need to change busses. And, now that I’m not needing to get to the office by 8:00 I can just mosey along.

    Today is also my youngest daughters birthday.  So, Happy Birthday,  Monica!