Homeless man waiting at the bus stop with me. And, yes it was cold.
Life always comes out of death. The present rises from the ashes of the past. The future is always possible for those who are willing to re-create it.
Joan Chittister -
Met my friend Larry for lunch this past week and, yes I have two of them. Larry has been into photography for many years with a love for film photography. Needless to say lunch lasted a good three hours. He was given a digital camera but prefers to use his 4×5 or 8×10 on a tripod that weights as much as his car. He does pull out his phone camera and take a quick snap shot every once in a while (new granddaughter). He took this image while playing with my X-E1 and using the Velvia film simulation. It’s straight out of the camera.
Early Morning in Old Town
Rising early is not for everyone. Yet, I enjoy being out and about as the sun breaks the horizon and shows off its colors. Right after that show the sun casts these wonderful shadows. It’s this photographers special time of day.
I would venture to say many of us could use some improvement on our patience. I think aging has improved my ability to wait patiently more. Life does not need to be rushed as much as I think it used to. I could take a lesson from this woman as she patiently waits and reads. You can also note she came prepared, which helps.
Jotting Down Ideas
“Always carry a notebook. And, I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea forever.”
Will SelfSame goes for a camera, otherwise I would not have this image or yesterdays or the day before.
Riding the Bus
I have been using the city’s bus system to save fuel and because it can offer interesting photo opportunities. The city also offers seniors a discount at $25 for a year of unlimited rides. I bought one and plan to use it. I don’t think it takes any longer unless I need to change busses. And, now that I’m not needing to get to the office by 8:00 I can just mosey along.
Today is also my youngest daughters birthday. So, Happy Birthday, Monica!