• coffee shops,  rants,  Software,  writing/reading

    Looking for something I like

    Starting my morning with a mocha latte at the Bean Cycle

    Well, I’m not sure what happened with my WordPress website. I upgraded to the latest WordPress and things immediately fell apart. I could not log on or access my website. I started a chat with my hosting service who got me back to a starting place. None of my themes would work. My dashboard looked like it did over a year ago. Right now you are seeing a simple free theme from WordPress. Actually I may just stick with something like this. Anyway, as you can see I started this morning with a mocha. Please give me feedback on anything that’s not working.

  • coffee shops,  lifestyles,  Photography,  rants,  Software

    Here Comes the Snow

    Now sitting at a coffee shop looking to the mountains in the west. They are now being shrouded by clouds as a storm moves into the Colorado Front Range. There will be more snow and plenty of cold over the next few days.

    Spent almost 6 hours with Adobe support yesterday trying to get Lightroom Classic installed and running. I had to let them have control of this new computer on a couple of occasions. Amazing, this technology and how far behind I am. They had to go into my keychain, which I knew nothing about, and delete some Adobe files that were dated back to 2009. Whew! It was a test of my patience and think theirs. Now have Lightroom working and used it for the above image. See, I’m already a better photographer. And, it was a raw file rather than a jpeg.

    I can feel the difference in this keyboard. There will be an adjusting period. Don’t suppose this new laptop will make me a better typist? I may type faster which means I can misspell more words faster. 🙂

  • architecture,  Fujifilm X-E1,  Silver Efex Pro 2,  Software

    Silver Efex Pro 2

    Bed Post
    Bed Post

    I’ve liked what I’ve seen done with Chris Klug’s black and white images. If you’ve not been over there for a visit I suggest spending a few minutes over there. I like the results He gets from  Silver Efex Pro in his post processing. So, I bought it knowing it would make me a better photographer, like him. About a year later I received an email offering a free NIK software package that included Analog Efex 3, Color Efex Pro 4, Dfine 2, Sharpener Pro 3 and Viveza and an upgrade to Silver Efex Pro. I took it. Needless to say, I’m not any better photographer because of these software tools and I have done almost nothing with any of them except Silver Efex Pro.

    I’m finding there are a ton of options available in Silver Efex and I’ve touched very few of them. There are helpful tutorials in the internet in using this software. I just have to dig into it.