My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
“There is a greater comfort in the substance of silence than in the answer to a question.” – Thomas Merton
I noticed this blossom on my walk from the transit center to Mugs coffeehouse last week. It was snowing lightly when I took the image. Spring is coming and I’m ready.
At one of the stops along the road in Arches National Park I noticed the Common Paintbrush were blooming, and usually do from March to June. They are also called Slickrock Paintbrush or Early Paintbrush. The desert is a harsh land so plants find ways to survive in this arid land. This plant is hemiparasitic (partiallyhalf-parasite). It is a water parasite that survives drought by attaching to the roots of other plants using them as a source of water.
Strange as it may seem I was drawn more to the plants such as these Paintbrush and the twisted junipers. The rock formations were amazing but looking within inches of you was just this incredibly amazing world.
I took this a couple days ago when it was Spring. This morning I have about an inch of snow on my car and they’re are predicting a total of 3-5 inches before the day is over. So, off to a coffee shop for a a breakfast sandwich and a hot coffee, Where’d Spring go? I want the Spring weather back!!!!!