• flowers,  quotes

    Present Here and Now

    Snow topped tulips from March 2024

    When we focus our attention on our breath,
    we find out very quickly that we are a living reality,
    present here and now,
    sitting on this beautiful planet Earth.

    Thich Nhat Hanh
  • flowers,  poems,  quotes

    Let me linger…

    A busy bee and daisies

    It may be a product of getting older
    But sometimes I want to stop time.

    I want to make the sunsets last just a little longer.
    I want the quiet mornings to go on and on

    The laughter at the dinner table
    To stretch out into a whole evening
    The beauty of the clouds as they race
    Across the valley to never end.

    It is not that I want to freeze reality, just slow it down.
    I want life to move as slowly as I do.
    For I have learned that life moves far too fast as it is.
    It is a joy that endures but briefly
    Made of moments that pass as quickly as hummingbirds.

    Let me linger in the love I feel.
    Let me see the light for as long as I can.

    Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel

    I stopped on my ride this evening because these daisies caught my eye. However, I was not the only one interested in the daisies as this bee busily flitted from flower to flower. So busy in fact, I never got a good infocus shot. Oh well. I watched and lingered and loved the moment.

  • flowers,  Plants,  quotes

    Stand there

    Coneflowers at the CSU Trial Gardens

    “Don’t just do something. Stand there.”

    Daniel Berrigan

    I like this saying because for too many years I thought it was more important to do something than to stand there and take it all in. Have a wonderful Sunday!!

  • bees,  flowers,  insects,  Plants,  quotes

    The Gifts of Other Beings

    Gratitude is founded on the deep knowing that our very existence relies on the gifts of other beings.

    Robin Wall Kimmerer

    Latest news this morning shows the Alexander Mountain FIre to be held at 9,668 acres and is 74% contained. The Stone Canyon Fire is 100% contained. Grateful the skies are returning to their blue color! I found this bee enjoying their time on a sunflower the other afternoon at the CSU Experiment Garden. I really need to thank them more often for being the gift they are and not just as a photographer’s subject.

  • flowers,  nature,  Plants,  quotes


    Solitude… is what sustains me and protects me from my mind. It renders me fully present. I am desert. I am mountains. I am Great Salt Lake. There are other languages being spoken by wind, water, and wings. There are other lives to consider: avocets, stilts, and stones. Peace is the perspective found in patterns. When I see ring-billed gulls picking on the flesh of decaying carp, I am less afraid of death. We are no more and no less than the life that surrounds us. My fears surface in my isolation. My serenity surfaces in my solitude.

    Terry Tempest Williams

    The Oxford Dictionary defines solitude as: the state or situation of being alone. I relate to her quote because there are times when enjoying my coffee life, surrounded by people in conversations, baristas foaming milk, and piped music, I can feel isolated. A major contrast to the city’s natural areas which provides a place for me to be in solitude. Yet, I am never really alone as I am surrounded by plants, birds, animals, clouds, and people, who add their presence and sounds to my solitude. So, while I’m in solitude with nature, I too find serenity. Happy Friday!

  • flowers,  Plants,  quotes

    A Great Poem

    “Re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul and your very flesh shall be a great poem.” 

    Walt Whitman

    And why not? How many of us will or have said I’m an engineer, a doctor, a salesman, a photographer, a Buddhist, a poet. Or worse yet? How many of us are told that we’re a sinner, or stupid, or too short, or worthless, and believed it. Maybe Whitman’s right, we will be a great poem or even prayer or maybe a saint, when we listen to the voice of our own soul.

  • flowers,  Plants,  quotes

    Take another one

    American Takii

    The way to think about photography is that the next frame you shoot will be the definitive one. Everybody takes one picture and says, ‘Well, I’ve got it.’ Take another one, and always believe that the one you haven’t taken will be even better.

    John Shaw