• clouds,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    … and the meadowlarks sang

    Ten times a day something happens to me like this – some strengthening throb of amazement – some good sweet empathic ping and swell. This is the first, the wildest and the wisest thing I know: that the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.

    Mary Oliver

    The sky looked promising this morning so I grabbed my camera, made a chai and headed out the door. I also knew that we are expecting rain later today and possibly turning to snow after midnight which is an indication of a colorful sunrise. I was not disappointed. The temperature was a wonderful 50 degrees. After taking a few images the wind began to pick up and clouds began moving in. In the distance a woodpecker hammered on a tree. I watched a solo pelican drift across the waters of Dixon Reservoir. And, the meadowlarks sang to me.

    This image of the predawn colors is from the same spot but was taken 8 minutes earlier than the image above. Demonstrates how nature is continuously creating. May you stay attentive and have a blessed day!

  • grass,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  Plants,  poems,  seasons,  snow,  winter scenes,  writing/reading

    A Bit More Snow

    Now through the white orchard my little dog
    romps, breaking the new snow
    with wild feet.
    Running here running there, excited,
    hardly able to stop, he leaps, he spins
    until the white snow is written upon
    in large, exuberant letters,
    a long sentence, expressing
    the pleasures of the body in this world.
    Oh, I could not have said it better

    The Storm by Mary Oliver

    Winter weather is the word for the day, receiving the 3-4 inches promised. It is loaded with moisture and making road conditions bad. It was 18 degrees at about 8:30 am and not expecting to be above 22 degrees. I call that cold and the perfect day to stay in and eat leftover vegetable soup, unless your Mary Oliver’s dog.

  • clouds,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    A little rougher made…

    This morning’s predawn sky over Dixon Reservoir

    “Sometimes I think, were I just a little rougher made, I would go altogether to the woods—to my work entirely, and solitude, a few friends, books, my dogs, all things peaceful, ready for meditation and industry—if for no other reason than to escape the heart-jamming damages and discouragements of the worlds mean spirits. But, no use. Even the most solitudinous of us is communal by habit, and indeed by commitment to the bravest of our dreams, which is to make a moral world. The whirlwind of human behavior is not to be set aside.”

    Mary Oliver

    When I feel the heart-jamming damages and discouragements of the worlds mean spirits, I too wish to run to the woods, or in my case the natural areas. I would also include my journals, fountain pens, camera and chocolate to her list. Yet, I’m aware of my need to not set aside but live within the whirlwind of human behavior. Who knows, I could be someone else’s whirlwind. However, there are those times when I need to go the woods and connect with nature just so I can return and face the whirlwind of human behavior. Maybe I also need to be a little rougher made. Hope you had a good day.

  • fall season,  leaves,  Mary Oliver,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons


    “I am one of those who has no trouble imagining the sentient lives of trees, of their leaves in some fashion communicating or of the massy trunks and heavy branches knowing it is I who have come, as I always come, each morning, to walk beneath them, glad to be alive and glad to be there.”

    Mary Oliver

    Good morning! It is a bright sunshiny morning. Awoke to frost on the car as winter draws closer. This image is from my walk yesterday afternoon and shows more of the colors nature is giving us this year in the city, which has been beautiful. However, it will not be long and these colors will be gone for this season. Winter will bring the greys and browns then followed by blankets of white. Already been to the coffee shop and indulged in a mocha and lemon cranberry scone. Happy Monday!

  • horizons,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  mountains,  natural areas,  Plants,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area


    The multiplicity of forms! The hummingbird, the fox, the raven, the sparrow hawk, the otter, the dragonfly, the water lily! And on and on. It must be a great disappointment to God if we are not dazzled at least ten times a day.

    Mary Oliver

    Nothing dazzles me more than yesterday’s afternoon walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area taking in the golden beauty of rabbitbrush scattered throughout the still green meadow. Today I am driving Peak to Peak Highway with a friend to take in the golden fall colors. We are expecting to be dazzled. Weather forecast is cloudy and cooler, which means we layer. Photos to follow.

  • clouds,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  Plants,  poems,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  trees

    Everything is His

    Late afternoon clouds over Claymore Lake

    Everything is His.
    the door, the door jamb.
    The wood stacked near the door.
    The leaves blown upon the path
    that leads to the door.
    The trees that are dropping their leaves
    the wind that is tripping them this way and that way,
    the clouds that are high above them,
    the stars that are sleeping now beyond the clouds

    and, simply said, all the rest.

    When I open the door I am so sure so sure
    all this will be there, and it is.
    I look around.
    I fill my arms with the firewood.
    I turn and enter His house, and close His door.

    Mary Oliver, Musical Notation: 2
  • clouds,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  poems,  poetry,  sunrises

    Predawn Pinks

    Predawn pinks this morning


    It doesn’t have to be
    the blue iris, it could be
    weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
    small stones; just
    pay attention, then patch

    a few words together and don’t try
    to make them elaborate, this isn’t
    a contest but the doorway

    into thanks, and a silence in which
    another voice may speak.

    Mary Oliver, from her book Thirst