• clouds,  landscape,  Meister Eckhart,  poems,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Darkness & Light

    Sunrise taken August 10, 2023

    When people ask me what they should do,
    I tell them this: Love others as much as
    you love yourself. If you find
    that you don’t love some people as
    much as you love yourself, then this
    is because you’ve not yet learned
    to love yourself fully.
    For what you do not love in others
    you’ve not yet learned to love in yourself;
    work on this and you’ll begin to discover
    what it means to love as God loves.

    Meister Eckhart’s Book of Darkness & Light

    I’m enjoying this third book by Jon M. Sweeney and Mark S Burrows, Meister Eckhart’s Book of Darkness & Light. I use it in much the same way I used their first two books, where I read a poem at a time and sit with it. I almost always find one word or a short line that resonates with me. I may write one of the poems or line or two in my journal because it helps me to retain it in my old memory banks. And, hopefully somehow these words will take seed and therefore potentially change the world, or at least change how I react to it. I would add to make a comment about he last line of this poem. I’ve read somewhere that if the God you know only loves the people you love, then maybe that God is too small. Because that group of people we can love is most likely a rather small group in relation to the population of this world.

  • Meister Eckhart,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes

    The Sunbeam

    From a late afternoon walk at Pineridge Natural Area

    “We usually miss You, cluttering our minds with expectations about where and how and who You are, but if we trust giving up our seeking and let ourselves know You in everything that is, even what’s concealed from us, we come to find You everywhere, at all times and in an equal way, no matter how strange this might seem to us.”

    Meister Eckhart’s Book of Secrets

    I believe the above is written from the perspective that You is referring to God. Even though the author is Christian his concept of You is not confined to a box but goes way beyond that. His You is not an object or deity. I also feel that way. I find it interesting to reread this and each time replace the word You with God, Love, Reality, Great Spirit, Compassion, Beauty, Nature, Creator, Truth, Justice, Peace, Serenity… and none of these are objects or material things. Thanks for listening…

  • Avian,  Meister Eckhart,  quotes


    An owl perched atop a saguaro cactus in early morning light

    Every creature is a word of God and a book about God. 

    Meister Eckhart

    I journal almost everyday looking for words to take form on blank pages. Sometimes they make sense, other times they don’t and some days they do not appear. Same can be said about this blog. But I continue to sit with pen and paper in anticipation of words about life. I also embrace the words creation offers me when I listen with my ears, eyes and especially my heart. I find Mary Oliver’s poetry, and others, is about their communion with nature. There is a conversation going on. They know it. I read where many indigenous people have conversations with nature for many generations. If we were to go with Eckhart’s idea that every creature is a word of God and a book about God then what an opportunity for us to experience.

  • animals,  Meister Eckhart,  natural areas,  quotes

    The Silence

    They call them cottontails for a good reason

    “Nothing in all creation is so like God as silence.”

    Meister Eckhart

    Started the morning with time in nature. The birds were singing. A Great Blue Heron surveyed the kingdom perched on a distant tree. A sunflower looked east greeting the morning sunrise. Cottontails wandered around in search for the best grass to nibble on. I come for the silence and the effect nature has on my soul. It can set me in a good place, clears my mind of irrelevant stuff. Yes, the silence.