• coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

    Presence is wisdom!

    Journaling with a chai latte, while watching it snow outside

    Wisdom is precisely a different way of seeing and knowing the ten thousand things in a new way. I suggest that wisdom is precisely the freedom to be truly present to what is right in front of you. Presence is wisdom! Those who can be present will know what they need to know, and in a wisdom way.

    Richard Rohr

    It began snowing in earnest about 9:30 am, offering us big, beautiful moisture filled snowflakes. I met Jeff earlier for tea and conversation, then stopped by the Arboretum Coffee shop to journal for a while. The small chai latte was a perfect pairing with my journaling. This coffee shop is a nonprofit that is striving to “create a community where refugees and immigrants can rebuild their lives with dignity, gain essential skills, and form meaningful connections.” I come here because I want to support that ideal. So far my interaction with all these baristas has not given me a feeling of working with a criminal, the drug cartel or that I’m  in any danger. The only problem I’ve had is our language differences but that is improving! What’s cool about that is we don’t throw up our hands but keep at it until I get skim milk rather than whole. I’m finding my name is strange to them and love how they sometimes say it. If I remain open and willing to encounter wisdom, then these baristas have much to teach me, to enhance my life, and a chance to be present to each other. Seems there is more danger around the white privileged who think they think they know. I much prefer Rohr’s notion that wisdom is precisely a different way of seeing and knowing the ten thousand things in a new way. I want to be a seeker of wisdom.

  • fall season,  leaves,  quotes

    Letting Go…

    A small flurry of falling leaves.

    Where selfishness excludes, love makes room and includes.
    Where selfishness puts down, love lifts up.
    Where selfishness hurts and harms, love helps and heals.
    Where selfishness enslaves, love sets free and liberates.

    Michael Curry

    While walking home from the coffee shop this morning I was caught in a flurry of leaves on campus. Each leaf letting go and entering their freefall into an unknown phase of their journey. I was walking in a green, yellow, gold, and red snowstorm. I loved it. I also saw it as a subtle message for me to let go of my fears, worries, wild imagination, awfulizing (which is just one type of irrational thinking), and my desire to have some control. All of these point to my selfishness. Makes me wonder if our nation of entitlement and privilege is a mask of its deep selfishness. We as a nation are moving into an unknown phase of a new journey, a freefall like the leaves of fall. No matter what the future will look like, may I let go of selfishness and remember that disorder always precedes reorder. Thanks for listening! And, it’s been a cold blustery day here. Stay warm!!

  • horizons,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes,  storm clouds,  sunsets

    Storm Clouds

    Setting sun and storm clouds over the Colorado Front Range – June 2012

    There is nothing more beautiful than living a simple life in this complex universe!

    Mehmet Murat ildan

    I awoke to a dusting of snow and cold this morning. After my quiet time I checked the election results. I am unable to express the feelings I experienced at such a deep level within me. So, my task today, and maybe for some time, has been to journal in hopes of uncovering my feelings, thoughts, and the words to express them. At this moment I find it amazing to accept that in this divided nation I find myself a minority in my beliefs and values. I will do my best to continue to live a simple life, yet also be true to myself, my beliefs and my values. May all who can allow the love and light within them shine in our world, no matter the storm clouds on the horizon. And, may we all find inner peace.

    And, outside my window a cold wind blows indicative of our nations emotions.

  • Avian,  quotes,  reflections

    Love One Another

    Male mallard at the ponds

    “Love one another.” If we took those simple words to heart, we’d already be the Buddhas Jesus wanted us to be.

    Kathleen Dowling Singh

    Even though the world is in much chaos, love is still a powerful force in life. Love seems to be a constant in my readings and conversations. It may be that I’m more attune to love at this stage of my life. It may be because I spend more time in nature at this stage of my life. It may be that I am reading more poetry at this stage of my life. Maybe it’s because I’m coming to understand what love truly is. Maybe I’m really experiencing what it means to love one another, taking these words to heart, and all of creation. Oh, that more of us would embrace the power of love!

  • clouds,  landscape,  meditation,  natural areas,  poems,  quotes

    You are a light…

    Let me honor you today with the respect you deserve.
    Let me acknowledge you as a person
    Who has worth and value.

    Our world would be diminished without you.
    Our journey would seem longer.
    You bless us with your presence.
    You make a difference in our lives.
    We need you.

    There are many who would stand to say this with me.
    You are loved.
    I know you well enough to understand
    That you do not expect
    Or even want to hear this kind of praise.
    But I believe the spirit intends every human heart
    To hear a simple truth: you are a light others can see.

    Steven Charleston

    Today would have been my mothers 93rd birthday. I miss your light!