• natural areas,  reflections

    Connecting through communicating

    I have come to realize how poor a communicator I have been in the past. How well I may think I have expressed a thought is always limited and I need to accept that fact. How well I think I have listened and understood is always going to be limited and I need to accept that fact. In my experience learning to communicate in these later years of my life has been a wonderful adventure. I find it enjoyable to converse with someone who is also willing and open to learning the craft of communications. It is at these times we connect, come to understand each other and find our differences may be gifts rather than obstacles.

    Cattails along the edge of Big Bass pond at Arapaho Bend Natural Area

    “Words do not express thoughts very well. They always become a little different immediately after they are expressed, a little distorted, a little foolish.”

    Hermann Hesse
  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  reflections,  sunsets

    It is within each of us…

    Sunset at Running Deer Natural Area

    The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.

    Black Elk
  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  reflections

    The scent of the rain

    As I stepped out the door this morning I was greeted with a chorus of robins announcing the new day. Now a gentle rain falls, spreading it’s refreshing scent into the lives of all of creation. In these moments I feel alive, renewed, as I enter into the mystery of this new day. This day began with quiet prayer and meditation time, an Old Town Mocha made by Adriana, then coffee and conversation with Jeff. My intent for the day is to live with some peace and calm, separate from the chaos and drama that society seems addicted to. I know of no better teacher and friend to experience this serenity with than staying close to nature. Did I mention I love the scent of the rain?

    Reflections in Big Bass Pond

    I took a stroll around Big Bass Pond at Arapaho Bend Natural Area yesterday afternoon to enjoy the silence and solitude of that sacred place. Behind me were a couple of nesting eagles. I want to believe their shrill calls are shouts of happiness for the egg or two sitting in their nest. May you have a wonderful Friday!

    How we think ripples out to how we behave.

    Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  reflections,  sunrises

    Loving Energy

    January sunrise in 2006 – Arapaho Bend Natural Area

    The elders say that Creator is perfect loving energy. Within the realm of perfect love there is no judgment. If there is no judgment then there can be no failure. In turn, if failure does not exist, there is no unworthiness. We are all one energy. We are worthy and we always were. We never have to qualify. And ceremony was born to allow us to remember that.

    Richard Wagamese

    It is bitter cold here in Colorado, down in the single digits. I won’t complain because other parts of the country are colder. My hands and feet are cold, which seems to be the normal these days. I was supposed to meet my classmates for our monthly luncheon but cancelled that idea. I think I’d rather make a peanut butter and jelly (apricot) sandwich, place it in a paper bag then reminisce of the old days in the cafeteria where we would trade sandwiches. Remember? That will be my ceremony for today. Stay warm and safe!!

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  quotes,  reflections

    Transformed by the Journey

    Setting sun at Arapaho Bend Natural Area – Nov. 2023

    To journey without being changed, is to be a nomad.
    To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.
    To journey and be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim.

    Mark Nepo, The Exquisite Risk

    I love the idea of transformation by the journey. And the journey I am referring to is an inward journey. I tried the geographical change but that didn’t work. I spent way too much of my life being a chameleon and that didn’t work. It has only been in the last few years that looking inward has become a door into an accurate self-awareness. Who I thought I thought I was, was not accurate because the glasses I was using to see myself needed to be replaced. My inward journey has included self-examination, prayer and meditation which have become an unshakable foundation in my life. It’s a regular part of my daily practice and I enjoy being a pilgrim!!

    Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  poems,  reflections,  sunrises

    Quiet Sunrise

    Sunrise at Arapaho Bend Natural Area – 2021

    It is a wonderful day in our life
    when one is finally able to stand
    before the long, deep mirror of one’s own reflection
    and view oneself
    with appreciation, acceptance and forgiveness.

    On that day
    one breaks through the falsity of images and expectations
    which have blinded one’s spirit.

    One can only learn to see who one is
    when one learns to view oneself
    with the most intimate and forgiving

    John O’Donohue
  • Avian,  quotes,  reflections

    Love One Another

    Male mallard at the ponds

    “Love one another.” If we took those simple words to heart, we’d already be the Buddhas Jesus wanted us to be.

    Kathleen Dowling Singh

    Even though the world is in much chaos, love is still a powerful force in life. Love seems to be a constant in my readings and conversations. It may be that I’m more attune to love at this stage of my life. It may be because I spend more time in nature at this stage of my life. It may be that I am reading more poetry at this stage of my life. Maybe it’s because I’m coming to understand what love truly is. Maybe I’m really experiencing what it means to love one another, taking these words to heart, and all of creation. Oh, that more of us would embrace the power of love!