As I left the coffee shop this morning and walked towards my car I noticed thieves had stolen my roof racks. Then I noticed they must have felt guilty because they decided to wash my car. After gathering myself together I started to laugh when I remembered parking across the street because someone had parked in my normal spot. Same car and same color but cleaner, which was the big flag. Oh how quickly the mind creates scenarios that aren’t reality and how quickly I forget. Thankfully I still have my roof rack and the car is still dirty. This is known as a senior moment which is happening more often. But I am beginning to admit them, even here. Enjoy your Saturday!!!
Car Show
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”63″ display=”basic_slideshow”]This past Saturday they had a car show in Old Town. After coffee I meandered through the streets. Not sure how many cars they had but it was several blocks of cars. Its times like this when I wish I had one of these classics. I also found a couple of 56 Chevy’s which was the first car I ever had. I was impressed with how much care these owners gave their cars. What a beautiful day for it!
Street Portraits
One advantage of having a camera with me at all times is the opportunity to take street portraits. We just never know when we may find a smiling face to photograph.
Watching Traffic
I see this a lot as I await the bus. However, there is something missing in this scene that the image cannot convey, the sound. The noise pollution from traffic is quite loud with a variety of sounds, we just seldom hear them while in our cars. Sit at a bus stop and you will understand how deafening it can be. You will hear tires on the pavement, cars accelerating, squealing fan belts, loud mufflers, loud stereos, sirens, honking and an occasional swearword.
While waiting at the bus stop I met a woman who has not had a car for the past 15 months. Guessing we are about the same age as she bought one of the senior yearly passes. She takes the bus to and from work. She has a pull cart she uses on the bus for grocery shopping. She also does some shopping online, including groceries. She also told me of a service she uses called UBER. There are places in town where it may require changing buses to your destination as many as three times. The drivers are locals who sign up to drive people to locations using their own vehicles. It uses a free app to get a driver. So, this is an interesting concept. I am also intrigued in maybe being a driver.
When people say Photography is not Art what they actually mean is THEIR photography is not art. – James Elliott
“Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing ourselves is enlightenment.” Lao Tzu
Enjoy your weekend!
Car Show
A couple of weekends ago I came a cross a car show in Old Town. Since I had my camera with me, I walked among the vintage cars. I remembered the past, cars my friends had and also the 56′ Chevy sedan I use to own. Wished I still had it, too. Anyway, here are a few photos from the wandering.
Found these lashes at the park a couple days ago. Not an accessory I want on my car but made me smile.