• Transportation

    The Silver RT

    The Siver RT

    As I was looking back over some images from 2004 I came across this photo of my BMW 1150RT Sport Touring motorcycle. I purchased it after being laid off and broke it in with a wonderful 3 week, 4200 mile trip. There were many trips to follow this one as I found motorcycle touring to be a great experience to see this country of ours. I bought this bike after talking to an older gentleman at a campground in eastern Oregon. I had already been looking at a BMW motorcycle and after noticing his bike I walked over and started a conversation. His tent was pitched, riding gear was laid out to take on the fresh air. He was eating baby carrots, slicing up a tomato and drinking a glass of wine. He told me he was heading to Seattle on his way back from New York. His stop in Seattle included picking up his girlfriend and riding up to Vancouver then taking a ferry ride to an island for the weekend. He was 72 years old. I wanted to be just like him.  His sales pitch and life style sold me, so the following year I met up with him in Idaho at a BMW MOA rally and got to meet his girlfriend while on my silver RT.

    This campsite was in the Gros Ventre Campground just outside of Jackson, Wyoming. I have used this campground as a base for several camping/photography trips. In face I may go back and post of few images from those trips. Sadly I needed to sell the bike in 2008 and move on to other things in my life. Inside I still dream of riding one of them on a twisty mountain road. Heck I’d like to have it on any road. Maybe someday.

  • Camera Equipment,  Humor,  Transportation

    Maybe a telephoto lens …

    Running Away

    … would have worked better in this image. I shoot almost exclusively with a small 35mm f1.8 lens because most of my photography is focused on what’s around me. However, I’ve found there are times when the telephoto lens would be a better choice such as the image above. A telephoto lens would have been a better choice when trying to shoot a photo of this semi truck as it comes towards me rather than a wide angle. I found it difficult to  keep my focus and framing while running as fast as hell, camera behind my back and shooting blindly. Yep, a telephoto lens would have been a better choice. Have a super day! 🙂

  • landscape,  Transportation

    Office View

    Rocky Mountains from 28,000 feet

    When working as an engineer I was given a nice fast computer, placed in an 8×8 cube and brought home stress over the projects handed to me. Now that I work as a flight attendant I have a fast aircraft, work in a long tube and don’t take my work home. Oh, and my little cube had no windows while the office views from 28,000 feet will blow your socks off!

  • Transportation

    One Way Sign

    One Way
    One Way

    The automobile is this country’s primary mode of transportation. A study made in February of 2008 shows the national average is 2.28 cars per household. To someone from a foreign country, especially one with limited numbers of automobiles, our traffic flow and amount of congestion, could really confuse them. How do we keep these automobiles all in line? We build massive highways and roads to get us from point A to point B. We post signs to control speed, direction, in hopes of controlling congestion. In this image we at least know this car is going the right way but I’m not so sure about the speed.

  • Documentary/Street,  People/Portraits,  Transportation

    The Bicyclist


    Simple. Fuel efficient. Healthy. Many think of bicycles as an older way of transportation. Even though we have riders who commute to work on their bicycles, many people ride for exercise or sport rather than an alternative to their cars. Fuel prices are high, incomes are going down or even going away in some cases. Our highways are congested, structurally needing repairs and frustrating. Is the bicycle a thing of the past or something for the present?