• architecture,  Camera Equipment,  Documentary/Street,  quotes,  Transportation

    At the bus stop

    “I’m an old man now and have had a great many problems. Most of them never happened”

    Mark Twain

    Each time I wait at the bus stop at the Mountain Avenue stop, I see this bicycle on the other side of the tracks. And, each time I take a photo.  It’s a simple image. No strong colors or repeating patterns. It has a strange illusion of imbalance due to the sidewalk that rises on the right side. Yet, it speaks to me in some way.

    In reference to the quote, yes, my imagination does create illusionany problems, amusing commentaries and scenes at an astounding rate. They arrive while driving, doing the dishes,  meditation, reading, etc. Each time these take me away from the present, which is the only place I can live this life. As Rohr says, “Presence is only known by presence itself.”

  • automobile,  Transportation

    Loose Screw

    Lost Screw
    Lost Screw

    “What you love is a sign from your higher self of what you are to do.” – Sanaya Romane

    Looks like a loose screw or at least a lost screw. Another one of those things we see on our walks around the neighborhood.

  • automobile,  Transportation


    The Coors Truck
    The Coors Truck

    I’m done shopping! No more for this year. Took my daughter with me last week and she helped me finished it all. Thank you, Monica.

    I met a friend for lunch the other day and arrived a half hour early. So, grabbed the camera and walked around the shopping area. I discovered this truck as advertisement in front of a liquor store. Impulsively, I made four shots and was on my way. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • Transportation

    Car Show

    Love those flames

    I found a car show this past weekend and since I happen to have my camera with me I stopped and wandered aimlessly around. There are still some hard core collectors out there and anxious to share stories with you. I say some older model cars along side the newer model so we could see the difference in the changes.Â