I sit up on my porch to journal as the sun and a blue sky of scattered clouds give way to predominate gray clouds. Then… a trash truck picks up one of the dumpsters and loudly shakes its contents into its hungry jaws; a dog barks it’s lonely plea for attention but their pleas are ignored, so it barks louder; a car engine starts up then is quickly overpowered by the blast of an earth shattering stereo, silence seems impossible; a screaming ambulance rushes by as it hurries to the aid of someone in need, maybe it’s silence they need; a demon possessed leaf blower starts up, eager to join in on the noise pollution parade. I find myself annoyed. I let out a silent sigh and begin taking much needed breaths. Eventually, a moment of external silence arrives, the gray clouds move on and in this silence words begin to flow. Then…
A Blog or a Website?
I find myself referring to this site as a blog rather more often than a website, whether in conversations or writing. I began to wonder what the difference was. Seems the only real difference between a blog and a website is that blogs are updated on a regular basis with new content, which is displayed in reverse chronological order. While typical websites are static in nature where content is organized in pages, and they are not updated frequently. I place myself in the blog category. Some people have blogs that are just a part of a larger website. Some photographers I know have blogs within their website. And some have a separate website and a separate blog.
A bit of research on Dr. Google shows that blogs evolved primarily from personal online diaries and journals in the mid-90s. Then someone built a couple of blogging platforms, Blogger.com and later WordPress.com. Now there are a multitude of platforms that can be used to create both a website and a blog.
I knew almost nothing about a blog until a friend suggested I start one when I began working as a flight attendant. I laughed him off. Then something happened in October 2008 and now look at me some 15 years later! I can easily spend an hour or two a day writing and reading blogs. Much more over the past few weeks while “remodeling” this site. Anyway, I am quite comfortable referring to this website as a blog.
Got my COVID vaccination yesterday and feel achy and tired this morning. No morning sunrise or visit to a coffee shop. Slept in late. Today will be a rest and recovery day.
Pushed the button
Well I pushed the button yesterday afternoon for a new look to my website. It is much cleaner than my previous website and it also uses more of the screen. Seemed like the previous theme was narrow and left a lot of blank gray space. Please let me know what you think of it. And, please tell me what you find wrong with it. There are two different image sizes for posting. Not sure I like either one. Wish I had something in between and will keep looking into that. My next issue is with my galleries. Sure don’t care for what I had perviously. Enjoy your Sunday!